Page 70 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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68   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



          Assets by Segment
                 Corporate (RM Million)              Commercial (RM Million)               Total (RM Million)

             5,134.80     5,504.32     5,922.21  259.40       191.70        262.15   5,440.69      5,735.40     6,184.36

          Mar-19       Dec-19        Dec-20   Mar-19        Dec-19       Dec-20   Mar-19        Dec-19       Dec-20
                              7.59 %                              36.75 %                              7.82 %
                              Growth                              Growth                              Growth

          Triple Bottom Line (“TBL”) Sector

              Preserving Natural Environment      Platform for Raising Community        Promoting Healthy Lifestyle
                     (RM Million)                 Standard of Living (RM Million)            (RM Million)

             160.1        172.3        227.7     1,463.2      1,878.2       1,742.2  434.0         394.5        357.0

          Mar-19       Dec-19        Dec-20   Mar-19        Dec-19       Dec-20   Mar-19        Dec-19       Dec-20
                             32.15 %                              -7.24 %                             -9.51 %
                              Growth                              Growth                              Growth

                      Education                   Hospitals and Medical Equipment               Total
                     (RM Million)                        (RM Million)                        (RM Million)

             237.8        221.4        198.9     209.0        423.9         415.3    2,504.1       3,088.3      3,278.2

          Mar-19       Dec-19        Dec-20   Mar-19        Dec-19       Dec-20   Mar-19        Dec-19       Dec-20
                             -10.16 %                             -2.04 %                              6.08 %
                              Growth                              Growth                              Growth
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75