Page 64 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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62   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



         Islamic Financial  Planning  stages for  Islamic  Wealth   Performance Review
         Management products:
                                                                For FY2020, Retail Investment’s income showed an
                                                                impressive  108% increase as compared to the previous year
                Wealth Creation  •  Islamic UNIT TRUST          notwithstanding the worldwide economic uncertainty and
                 •   Building and   (138 funds from 26 Fund Houses)
                 establishing   •  PRIVATE RETIREMENT SCHEME    pandemic. The year’s monthly income reflected an average
                 funds           (4 Fund Houses)                increase of 56% month-on-month (“m-o-m”), when compared
                               •  MUAMALAT MUTUAL-i POWER       to FY2019.
                               •  MUAMALAT Gold-i                     Total Income, Monthly Average and Breakdown by
                                                                                 Domain (RM Million)
                               •  M-KASIH AMAL
                                                                    5.9  17.2    6.0  7.6      11.9  24.7   1.3  2.1
                Wealth         •  Islamic UNIT TRUST
                Accumulation     (138 funds from 26 Fund Houses)
                •   Improving   •  PRIVATE RETIREMENT SCHEME
                 earning         (4 Fund Houses)
                 prospects and   •  MUAMALAT MUTUAL-i POWER
                 asset holdings
                               • MUAMALAT GOLD-i
                               •  M-KASIH AMAL
                                                                   Wealth       Wealth        Total       Monthly
                                                                  Advisory     Financing                   Average
                Wealth Protection  •  FAMILY TAKAFUL: M-Kasih
                •   Protecting your   AMAL Hibah, Critical Illness,                 FY2019    FY2020
                 assets and      Medical Card
                 loved ones from   •  GENERAL TAKAFUL: M-Kasih
                 unexpected crisis  Protect, Motor, Home Content,    FY2020 Total Income Breakdown for Wealth Advisory
                                 House Owner                                    by Domain (RM Million)

                Wealth         •  ISLAMIC ESTATE PLANNING:
                Distribution     (Trust Deed, Islamic Estate                                                9.0
                •   Distribute  assets   Administration Planning, Wasiat,                                   6.8
                 to heirs and    Declaration of Jointly Acquired
                 beneficiaries for   Asset)                                                                 0.8
                 your peace of   •  WASIAT: Basic & Comprehensive
                 mind                                                                                       0.5

                Wealth         •  M-JANNAH
                Purification   •  BADAL HAJJ
                •   Spending  a
                 portion of    •  AL  QURAN CLASSES
                 your wealth   •  EZ-ZAKAT GOLD-i (Effective
                 for charity as   January 2021)
                 well as spiritual
                 aspirations to
                 attain everlasting
                 barakah                                                 Investment Domain   Banca General Domain
                                                                         Banca Family Domain   Daily Banking Domain
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69