Page 58 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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56   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



          economic  impact will reduce consumer   accounted for 87% of the total vehicle   The Ar-Rahnu’s cash reward campaign
          demand for vehicles as non-essential   financing assets as a result of the   was intensively marketed through the
          high maintenance spending is deferred.   Bank’s special financing packages for   Bank’s branches from August until
          As the market shrinks, competition   the popular Proton X50 and Proton   December  2020,  while  awareness
          among  auto  vehicle  financiers  will   X70 models.                    on Ar-Rahnu was built through
          intensify and further exert pressure on                                 social media campaigns, internal
          pricing, resulting in continued profit   Ar-Rahnu (Pawn Broking-i)      marketing, and the Ar-Rahnu Telesales
          margin squeeze.                                                         Campaign. To maintain interest
                                                         FOR  FY2020,             and  enhance  online  engagements
          For 2021, Consumer Banking intends           AR-RAHNU                   throughout the MCO period,
          to remain agile to opportunities, while      REPRESENTED 3% OR          Ar-Rahnu calculators were placed
          focusing  on  customers  in  the T20/M40     RM304.5 MILLION            on the Bank’s website; Ar-Rahnu
          segment with salary above RM5,000.   OF CONSUMER BANKING’S              e-Bidding was initiated in December
          New special packages for national   TOTAL FINANCING ASSETS.             2020;  and  gold  items  were  displayed
          and selected popular models of                                          on the Ar-Rahnu Auction website. The
          non-national cars,  covering both                                       Division also continued to promote and
          new and reconditioned cars, will be   Gold price fell sharply  on the  news of   encourage Ar-Rahnu customers with
          introduced in order to attract this   the discovery of the COVID-19 vaccine.   the launch of Pawn Muamalat Gold-i
          customer profile. Moving forward, the   This usually indicates an escalating   (“MG-i”) account in order to provide
          Division shall strive to enhance its   demand for jewelry or physical gold   Ar-Rahnu facility to MG-i account
          penetration rate in targetted growth   and slowdown in Ar-Rahnu services,   customers. The gold products
          segments such as new passenger      however,  the  Bank’s  Ar-Rahnu     accepted under Pawn Broking-i Ar-
          vehicles, light commercial vehicles, and   business remained stable throughout   Rahnu are jewelries, gold bars,
          big-bike  motorcycles.              the year as a result of lingering   gold  coin,  and  gold  accounts.
                                              caution  in consumer  sentiments  within   As at December 2020, the Bank’s
              Vehicle Financing Outstanding   the current economic outlook. Thus,    Ar-Rahnu business is operated at all of
                     (RM Billion)             Ar-Rahnu remained a popular         our 67 branches nationwide.
                                + 12 growth   alternative option to resolve short-
                                              term cash flow problems, and gained     Ar-Rahnu Marhun Outstanding
             0.80  0.69  0.58  0.56  0.55  0.62  increasing attention from the micro and     (RM Million)
                                              small and medium enterprises (“SME”)                      + 79 growth
                                              All new Muamalat Ar-Rahnu              80.2  131.0  138.1  160.9  170.3  304.5
                                              transactions from February 2020
                                              onwards have been using Tawarruq
                                              concept, which is in line with BNM’s
                                              direction  for all Islamic Banks to
                                              improve  the  existing  Qard principle
          FY15/16 FY16/17 FY17/18 FY18/19 FY2019  FY2020
                                              to other suitable Shariah’s financing
                                              principles. Pursuant to that, the Bank
          Performance Review
                                              took the initiative to change the
          Despite the knock-on effects of the   existing Shariah principle for Ar-Rahnu   FY15/16 FY16/17 FY17/18 FY18/19 FY2019  FY2020
          pandemic, vehicle financing sales   from Qard to Tawarruq. Since then,
          performance in FY2020 was better    Ar-Rahnu income has been  categorised
          than  expected, recording a 50% y-o-y     as financing, instead of fee-based
          growth from FY2019. National cars   income.
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