Page 24 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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22   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020


          Malaysia is currently                                                   A CHALLENGING YEAR
          stepping up its vaccination                                             It was a year that called for responsive
          programme to achieve herd                                               action.  Bank  Muamalat Malaysia
          immunity. Indeed, it is a                                               Berhad (Bank Muamalat or the Bank)
                                                                                  stayed on track of its RISE24 strategic
          shining beacon of hope for a                                            plan, and priorities shifted towards
          better year ahead, amidst the                                           fortifying resilience in our operations.
          prospects of year 2020 that                                             We also focused on bolstering support
                                                                                  for our stakeholders.
          was blighted by weakened
          global and domestic                                                     This was a tough balancing act as
                                                                                  the  rising unemployment  rate and
          economic landscapes, due to                                             inert  economic  growth  challenged  the
          the widespread COVID-19                                                 Bank’s management of asset quality
          pandemic. Global supply                                                 and prompted higher allowance for
                                                                                  impaired financings.  At  the  same
          chains were impacted,                                                   time, the shifts in credit and cashflow
          leaving trade, consumer and                                             landscapes brought about by the
          business sentiments muted.                                              blanket loan/financing moratorium
                                                                                  implemented by Bank Negara Malaysia
          In Malaysia, nationwide                                                 (“BNM”) and payment assistance
          lockdown measures caused                                                programmes gave  rise to  modification
          widespread disruption to                                                losses.
          business activities, which                                              In boosting the Bank’s capabilities and
          hampered financing growth                                               focus to meet the growing challenges of
          in the first half of the year.                                          credit risk and technology needs within
                                                                                  this  new  business  environment,  three
          Although there was some                                                 (3) key management roles were created
          recovery in the second half                                             and filled during the year, namely
          of the year, the low profit                                             Chief Credit Officer (“CCrO”), Chief
                                                                                  Information Security Officer (“CISO”)
          environment, led by three (3)                                           and Chief Strategy Officer (“CSO”).
          consecutive cuts of overnight                                           The appointments are also aimed at
          policy rate (“OPR”) affected                                            enhancing our focus on safeguarding
                                                                                  our business resilience and ensuring
          the yield curve and further                                             business sustainability.
          compressed net margin

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