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18   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



                                             quality  as gross impaired ratio     implemented to further assist both
            Bank Muamalat                    improved to 1.07% in FY2020 from     individual and business customers.
            also achieved a                  1.31%  in FY2019, the lowest since     Bank Muamalat also achieved a
                                             the Bank’s establishment. Capitalisation
            key milestone in                 levels stayed strong with Tier 1     key milestone in its social  finance
            its social finance               and total capital ratios at a healthy   efforts with the establishment of the
            efforts with the                 15.4% and 18.0% (industry average:   Jariah Fund on  22 September 2020 in
                                                                                  alignment with BNM’s  Value-Based
            establishment of                 14.0%;  18.3%).  Additionally,  the    Intermediation (“VBI”) drive. The
                                             Bank is  backed by its existing
            the Jariah Fund on               Basel   III-compliant  Subordinated  Jariah Fund is a social welfare
            22 September 2020                Sukuk programme to support its       crowdfunding platform for charitable
            in alignment with                capital  position  when  required;   projects that aim to generate a
                                                                                  sustainable impact on the economic
            BNM’s Value-Based                a total of RM250 million has been    growth of  the ummah  under the
            Intermediation                   issued as at end-September 2020.     pillars of education, health  and
            (“VBI”) drive.                   Taking into consideration the Bank’s   economic  empowerment.  In the first
                                             sturdy capitalisation, which provides   phase, beginning September 2020,
                                             a strong loss absorption buffer against     Bank Muamalat worked  with five
                                             an anticipated rise in defaults in    (5)  non-governmental organisations
          Total Capital Ratio                the   wake   of   the   pandemic,    (“NGOs”), namely Yayasan Sejahtera,
                                             notwithstanding the extension of     Yayasan Ikhlas,  Yayasan Muslimin,
                                             financial  relief to  affected  customers;   The  National Autism  Society of
                                  15.4%      RAM     Ratings   has   reaffirmed   Malaysia  (“NASOM”)  and  Malaysian
          Tier 1 capital ratio for FY2020    the   Bank’s  financial  institution   Association  for the Blind (“MAB”)
          surpassed industry average of 14.0%  ratings (“FIRs”) at A2  Stable P1, and   as charitable  partners to monitor the
                                             reaffirmed the A3/Stable rating  of   selected  campaigns  posted  on the
                                             the Bank’s RM1 billion Subordinated   platform. For its first phase, Bank
                                             Sukuk    Murabahah     Programme     Muamalat has collected RM40,415
          Total capital ratio for  FY2020 is close   (2016/2036).                 in  funds  which  will  be channelled
          to industry average of 18.3%                                            to selected beneficiaries  through the
                                             SHAPING SOCIAL FINANCE               selected community-based projects.

                                             Bank Muamalat continued to support   In serving the underserved,  the Bank
                                             customers  during this difficult time   continues  to provide  financing for
                                             by  offering financing moratorium as   affordable homes to the  lower-to-
                                             well as various  payment assistance   middle income earners, self-employed
                                             programmes.                          individuals  and  operators  of  small
                                                                                  business entities. Through Smart
                                             In March 2020, the Bank provided     Mortgage Solution programme,
                                             assistance  to   individuals  and    RM257 million was disbursed.
                                             businesses, in particular to Small
                                             and Medium  Enterprises (“SMEs”),    Bank Muamalat has also taken an
                                             through   a   blanket   six-month    active role in the industry to help
                                             moratorium  on financing facilities.   champion  the  move    towards
                                             Following that, an enhanced targeted   sustainable  practices,  and  was
                                             payment assistance programme was     appointed to lead the development
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