Page 25 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 25

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Maintaining Business Continuity and   In addition, a higher compliance on risk underscored  the Bank’s  business  as  part
            Sustainability                       of our steadfast commitment to meet all compliance requirements and maintain
                                                 the Bank’s strong capital position. The Bank’s risk appetite statement (“RAS”)
            The Bank’s  Business Continuity  Plan   was reviewed together with our strategic, capital and business planning towards
            (“BCP”) was activated to ensure our   optimum alignment. We continued to strengthen the risk management process
            operations remained uninterrupted    through enhanced operational risk controls and improved elevated risk analysis,
            amidst the movement restrictions     supported by broader data analytics.
            imposed. Measures such as free
            COVID-19 screening for all employees,   The  use of  our digital channels  were enhanced  as  our  physical branches operated
            work from home deployment for non-   with limited  counter  services  and  shorter  operating hours.  Retail internet banking
            critical job functions, and the new   and mobile apps have been upgraded and digital platforms expanded to ensure
            normal of business protocols were    ease of banking transactions for customers. With the appointment of the CISO,
            quickly adopted at all the Bank’s    cyber resilience was upgraded to strengthen data privacy and cyber security.
            premises. We were mindful that the
            first course of action was to bolster our
            customers’ financial resilience as this
            would have a cascading effect on our
            own business sustainability.

            All financing payments were
            automatically deferred for a period of
            six (6) months for individual customers
            and small and medium enterprises
            (“SMEs”) effective 1 April 2020 up
            until 30 September 2020. In addition,
            an extension of financing moratorium
            for customers who were affected, was
            introduced  after September 2020 given
            the  prolonged movement  restrictions
            These  efforts were crucial in providing
            stability and support for our customers
            and easing their financial burdens
            during the period of uncertainty.

            In defending the quality of our  assets,
            the Bank focused on those in the
            vulnerable customer segments. A CCrO
            was appointed in July 2020, to oversee
            the credit portfolios of the Bank.
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