Page 29 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 29

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Data Monetisation                                      Continuous Process Improvement  and Shariah Innovation
            Working towards optimising data analytics to generate   Towards continuously improving our processes and products
            income and ensure cost efficiency.                     for a more competitive advantage and to elevate social

                    What we did
                                                                          What we did
            •  Continuous implementation of the 3-year Data Management
              Roadmap plan towards developing an effective data    •   Developed/Implemented  online  account  opening  for
              management platform.                                   existing customers through retail internet banking.
            •  Updated  and  enhanced  policies  on  data  governance  and   • Strengthened the functions of operational risk management.
              data quality.
                                                                   •   Continuously  reviewed  policies  and  processes  to  ensure
                                                                     smoother services.
                   Achievements                                    •   Expanded  waqf  and  Zakat  development  in  expanding
                                                                     social finance possibilities.
            •  The  Bank  has  developed  and  established  a  robust  Data
              Governance Structure.
                                                                   •   Appointment of a CCrO  in July 2020 to oversee and review
            This is to enhance infrastructure for efficient service delivery   credit-related tasks including its policies and processes
            and deliverables.                                        which will address any issue with overall credit portfolios,
                                                                     towards mitigating  risks to credit and credit quality.

                                                                   •   Appointment  of  a  CISO  to  oversee  technology  and  cyber
                    What we did                                      security aspects of the Bank, formulate the Technology Risk
                                                                     Management Framework (“TRMF”) and Cyber Resilience
            •  Set up  trade  windows at regions.                    Framework (“CRF”), and drive the implementation of
                                                                     bank-wide cyber security strategy.
            •  Upgraded  Ar-Rahnu counters into Ar-Rahnu centres.
                                                                   •   The  Bank’s  Risk  Appetite  Statement  has  been  enhanced  to
                                                                     include considerations  on economic  sector concentration
                   Achievements                                      and liquidity coverage ratio.
                                                                   •   In  September  2020,  a  crowdfunding  platform,  the  Jariah
            •  The  Bank’s  trade-finance  windows  have  been  expanded   Fund, was established to generate sustainable impact
              and are now available across the Northern to Southern   for underserved communities. As at December 2020,
                                                                     the platform collected RM40,415 in contributions from
            •  Ar-Rahnu counters at 67 branches have been upgraded into   the public in support of the five (5) non-governmental
              Ar-Rahnu Centres.                                      organisations (“NGOs”) selected by the Bank.
            •  Established SME hubs at selected regions to intensify focus
              and efforts on attracting more SME portfolios.
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