Page 33 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 33

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            When faced with the year’s challenging   In compliance with SOPs and mindful   APPRECIATION &
            operating  environment, the Committee   of the need for swift responses, most   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
            took to heart the words of Rasulullah   meetings  were  conducted via  online
            SAW when asked what type of earning   platforms with several sign-offs by   Allah SWT says, “And if Allah
            was  best.  The  reply,  “A  man’s  work   committee also done virtually. There   touches  you with  affliction, none  can
            with his hand and every business     were several  issues  of  disruptions  due   remove it but He: But if He bestows
            transaction which is approved,”  (Rafi‘   to breaking line or limited access to an   upon you a favor, remember that He
            ibn Khadij, Mishkat al Masabih,      online platform, but all in all a total of   is the Possessor of every power to do
            Hadith no. 2783) guided our steadfast   11 Shariah Committee meetings were   all that He wills.” Al-An’am
            commitment to meet, discuss, deliberate   successfully held in FY2020.   I  take this  opportunity to acknowledge
            and provide resolutions on the issues                                    the hard work and commitment of
            of the day, within the constraints of                                    members of the SC who have been
            time and social distancing we faced in   Rasulullah  SAW                 unwavering in giving their best
            FY2020.                                                                  to fortify Shariah governance and
                                                   reported:  The seeking
            The main focus for the year was the    of knowledge is                   innovation for the good of all. We
            application of financing moratorium                                      would  like to express  our  gratitude to
            from a Shariah perspective; approvals   obligatory  for every            YM Engku Ahmad Fadzil Engku Ali
            on  the  reschedule  and  restructure   Muslim.                          who ended his tenure on 31 March for
            approach for customers who opt for     (Ibn Majah and Bayhaqi  in        his contributions to the Bank’s Shariah
            moratorium payment assistance; and     Shu’ab  al-Iman;  Anas Ibn Malik   journey during the year under review.
            approval on new products and services   in Al Tirmidhi, hadith  74).     More members will soon join the SC as
            initiated by the Bank. The new SOPs                                      we aim to strengthen our composition
            required also led to an increasing                                       in order to effectively journey forth in
            number of daily advisory issues that                                     achieving the Bank’s goals.
            had to be resolved.                  Moving further into a new balance
                                                 of VBI banking, the SC will continue   In-sya’-Allah, with steadfast purpose
            In FY2020, the SC endorsed the       to play a vital role in several of   and sincere intentions, the SC can
            following new products and services:  the Bank’s aspirations that require   grow the possibilities  of  Shariah-led
                                                 innovative ways in which to optimise   financing for Bank Muamalat towards
               Ar-Rahnu Tawarruq                 wakaf and zakat funds in helping    abundant benefits for our stakeholders.
                                                 to uplift the bottom 40% income
               Jariah Fund                                                           Thank you and regards,
                                                 segment (B40) of our population. The
               Wahed Invest Islamic Digital      SC will also work to provide research
                                                 papers via the Shariah Division  on
                Islamic Multi Currency Trade     proposing new initiatives and product
              Financing) (“MCTF-i”)              structures specifically to help B40 and
                                                 asnaf (zakat eligible) categories. Our   TN. HJ. AZIZI CHE SEMAN
                Danajamin Prihatin Guarantee     activities will always include system
              Scheme (“DPGS”)                    enhancements to improve online      Chairman, Shariah Committee

               EasiGold Account Mobile Application   communication platforms and reduce
                                                 human  intervention  and  error,  as  we
                Collaterised  Personal  Financing-i   continue to ensure the Bank maintains
              Programme and MCash Facility       robust processes and policies on
                                                 Shariah compliance.
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