Page 31 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 31
Our Performance Sustainability Statement Our Governance Our Numbers Other Information
The pillars
of RISE24 strategy
guide us forward
in becoming more
competitive whilst
espousing sustainable
values; towards
building a Strong Risk
Culture, an ICT Driven
Business, Shariah
Innovations and
staying steadfastly
Earnings Oriented.
All these improvements will run concurrently with our regulators, customers and communities who have led the
continued focus on developing leadership qualities and way forward, abided by the needs of society at this trying
nurturing the talent within our workforce. In shaping our time and adopted to the new norms.
employees’ performance, mindset and change in behaviour
the Bank’s “Brilliance Through Islah” programme will be Our people have been the Bank’s core drivers in navigating
used to provide an understanding and application of Shariah through this challenging year. My appreciation goes out to
values into mobilising a high performance culture. Training our dynamic management team and capable employees for
classes, motivational sessions and intervention programmes striving towards our goals with utmost dedication and strong
will continue to be utilised for the development of employees’ team spirit. They have been asked to deliver beyond their
IQ and EQ. normal scopes this year and none has faltered.
I would also like to record my appreciation to our sterling
APPRECIATION Board of Directors for their strong leadership in anchoring us
in good governance, as they propel us towards our aspirations
As I look back on the year, the lasting image is that of the of becoming a a better Bank in every way we can.
COVID-19 pandemic which has tragically infected millions of
people across the globe. My heart goes out to those who have Thank you.
lost their loved ones. Meanwhile, let us salute the doctors,
nurses and other civil servants who are at the front lines of
the war against COVID-19.
The key to braving new challenges is to come together
and forge supportive relationships. I take this opportunity KHAIRUL KAMARUDIN
to thank our ecosystem of stakeholders - the government, Chief Executive Officer