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34   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
                                                            About Us
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020

          INDUSTRY AND

          GLOBAL                                                momentum in the second half of 2020. However, governments
                                                                will have to consider providing more fiscal stimulus to ensure
          2020 Review                                           economic  activities  continue to pick up. In  the United  States,
                                                                there are growing expectations for a new government stimulus
          The Year 2020 brought  a barrage of unforeseen challenges.   package because  the labour market recovery  has  weakened,
          Global economies reeled from the unprecedented impact of   raising concern over sustainability of growth for personal
          the Novel Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) pandemic.  Lockdown   consumption expenditures. The US Federal Reserve is expected
          measures that  were imposed globally brought  key economic   to keep its low interest rate policy through the next few years
          sectors, to a near-standstill while national healthcare systems   and will allow inflation to go higher so that  the recovery in
          were pushed to their  limits. Economic volatility  was further   the labour market and the economy will be more entrenched.
          exacerbated by an oil price war which saw Brent crude price   The European Central Bank also reiterated its readiness to
          sliding  to USD9.12 per barrel in April 2020. In addition,     provide more monetary stimulus should pandemic resurgences
          political conflict in several major  countries led to further   derail the region’s economic recovery. Countries that continue
                                                                to struggle with the pandemic are expected to maintain an
          In essence, the global economy was climbing out from the     expansionary policy stance to cushion the impact of the ongoing
          depths to which it had plummeted during the lockdowns   health crisis on the real economy.
          and movement restriction periods to contain the  COVID-19    Central banks in certain countries  will start to normalise  its
          pandemic in April 2020. However, as the pandemic continues   policy interest rates to address the gradual rise in inflationary
          to spread, many countries have slowed  re-opening their   pressures  while keeping an accommodative  stance to sustain
          borders and some are re-instating partial lockdowns to protect   economic recovery. Maintaining interest rates at low levels for
          susceptible populations. While recovery  in China has  been   too long may spur the risk of overheating an economy due to the
          faster than expected, the global economy’s long ascent back to   abundant liquidity. This could create the risk of an asset bubble
          pre-pandemic levels of activity remains prone to setbacks.
                                                                and rapid growth in indebtedness. Pursuant to that, some major
          Global economic  growth contraction for 2020 is  estimated at   central banks such as the People’s Bank of China is expected to
          -3.5% year-on-year (“y-o-y”), i.e. 0.9 percentage points higher    address these emerging risks to avoid another potential crisis in
          than projected in the previous International Monetary   the future.
          Fund (“IMF”) forecast, reflecting  a stronger-than-expected
          Global Real GDP
          (%, change)
                                                                      US             Eurozone          Germany
            World      1.7       5.5             1.7       4.3    2.3       5.1     1.2       4.2    0.6        3.5
            Output          -3.5     Advanced         -4.9             -3.5              -6.8             -5.4

                     2019  2020  2021:P        2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P

                France            Italy            Spain             Japan             UK              Canada
             1.3   -9.0  5.5   0.3  -9.2  3.0    2.0  -11.1  5.9  0.7  -4.8  3.1    1.4  -10.0  4.5  1.6  -5.5  3.6

           2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41