Page 37 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 37

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

              Emerging                       Brazil            Russia         Outlook for 2021
             Market and   1.1       3.6    1.1       3.6     1.3       3.0    Recent  vaccine  approvals  and  vaccination
             Developing        -4.5             -4.5              -3.6        programme  have raised  hopes  of  a global
                                                                              turnaround in 2021, although renewed waves
                                                                              and new variants of the virus pose concerns.
                                                                              Amid  the uncertainty, the global economy is
                                                                              projected to grow 5.5% y-o-y in 2021. The 2021
                                                                              forecast is revised upward 0.3 percentage  point
                                                                              relative to the  previous IMF forecast, reflecting
                                                                              expectations of a vaccine-powered strengthening
                        2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020  2021:P
                                                                              of activity later in the year and additional policy
                                                                              support in a few large economies.
                            India            China           Singapore
                                                                              The US  economy  is expected to record  positive
                          4.2  -7.0  11.5  6.1  2.3  8.1     0.7  -5.8  5.0   growth in 2021,  mainly driven  by the sustained
                                                                              recovery in personal consumption expenditures.
                                                                              The improving economic environment will also
                                                                              entice businesses to increase its fixed investment
                                                                              as well as hiring. This in turn will provide support
                                                                              for consumer spending due to improved labour
                                                                              market conditions and possible fiscal stimulus
                                                                              to be injected by  the  new US administration. A
                        2019  2020 2021:P  2019  2020 2021:P  2019  2020 2021:P  more  concerted  effort from  the US  government
                                                                              and the availability of vaccines will be crucial
                                                                              to effectively control the pandemic spread and
                                                                              restore confidence on the US economy. However,
                                                                              improvements in the US labour market will be
                                            Indonesia         Thailand
                                                                              gradual and it will take time for the unemployment
              ASEAN-5     1.1  -4.5  3.6   5.0  -2.1  4.8    2.4  -6.1  2.7   rate to return to pre-pandemic  levels  of around
                                                                              3.5% (latest: 6.7% in November 2020).
                                                                              Meanwhile, given the recent signs of China’s
                                                                              successful  containment  of  the  COVID-19
                                                                              infections,  its economy  is  expected to grow
                                                                              relatively better than other economies. Projected
                                                                              growth is 8.1% y-o-y in 2021, driven by growing
                                                                              domestic  spending, which will be in line with
                        2019  2020  2021:P  2019  2020 2021:P  2019  2020 2021:P  its government’s aspiration to build a stronger
                                                                              and sustained source of growth from within the
                           Malaysia        Philippines        Vietnam         country. Its  consumption  activity has  recovered

                          4.3  -5.6  7.0   5.9  -9.5  6.6    7.0  2.8  6.7    and retail sales growth rebounded to positive in
                                                                              recent months. The recovery in exports will also
                                                                              contribute to sustained expansion in China’s
                                                                              manufacturing  and  trade-related  activities
                                                                              next year. Nevertheless, the rapid increase in
                                                                              COVID-19 cases in India, Europe and the US will
                                                                              be a cause of concern for China’s trade outlook if
                                                                              the situations remain unchecked. Other downside
                                                                              risks that could affect China’s economic stability
                        2019  2020 2021:P  2019  2020 2021:P  2019  2020 2021:P  include the high level of debts among the state-
                                                                              owned enterprises (“SOEs”) and the  risk of
            Source: Overview of World Economic Outlook Projections by IMF     overheating in the property market.
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