Page 22 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
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20   BANK MUAMALAT MALAYSIA BERHAD                   About Us           Our Leadership       Our Strategy
            ANNUAL REPORT FY2020



                                                                                 The Bank introduced
                                                                                 the Muamalat
                                                                                 Application Platform
                                                                                 (“MAP”), a financing
                                                                                 application platform
                                                                                 that allows customers to
                                                                                 apply financing online
                                                                                 and track their financial
                                                                                 journey anytime and

          Our   efforts  are   guided   by    Last  but not least, an Integrity and Governance unit has  been established
          Islamic  Financial Services  Act 2013,   within the Bank as a dedicated  function to oversee the Bank’s overall
          Companies Act 2016 and Policy       anti-corruption efforts and enhance integrity  as well as promote good
          Document on Shariah Governance,     workplace conduct.
          and  are  directed  to  ensure  effective,
          inclusive and responsive risk and   SHAPING STRONGER SAFEGUARDS
          governance  mechanism.  On Shariah
          governance   requirements,   our    The Board has intensified the assessment  and monitoring of risks,
          Shariah Committee ensures that all   including thoroughly  reviewing the risk assessment processes  and risk
          banking  activities are in line with    appetite considerations  in addressing  the shifting market and regulatory
          Shariah  principles.  Following the   developments.
          issuance of the new Policy Document
          on  Shariah  Governance  that was   In strengthening  risk management, an Enterprise Risk Management (“ERM”)
          effective by 1 April 2020, the Shariah   Framework was implemented as a more structured approach towards managing
          Committee updated our Shariah       risks. It consists  of a few framework documents  that focus  on operational,
          Governance framework to be in line   credit, market, model risk, technology  and Shariah risk framework. Given the
          with the new requirements.          increased harnessing of technology and digital channels, we also established a
                                              Technology Risk Management Framework (“TRMF”), a structured approach
          In  July 2020,  at Board  level,  we   of defining, evaluating,  managing,  monitoring and governing  technology
          have strengthened our Anti-Bribery   related risks in the Bank.
          and Corruption policy to address
          corporate liability  issues  as required   SHAPING FUTURE-READINESS
          by  Section 17A of the  Malaysian
          Anti-Corruption Commission  Act.    The International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) via its April 2021’s World Economic
          Additionally, a “No Gift”  Policy has   Outlook (“WEO”) Update projected the global economy  to grow 6.0% in 2021
          been adopted to  avoid conflict of   and 4.4% in 2022, reflecting the expectations of positive impacts of global
          interest.                           COVID-19 vaccination programmes and additional policy support especially in
                                              large world economies.
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