Page 23 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 23

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            On the domestic  front, the Ministry   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS & APPRECIATION
            of Finance Malaysia expects domestic
            economy    to  rebound    between    During the year, we welcome En. Johari Abdul Muid, who was appointed as an
            6.5% and 7.5% in 2021, supported     Independent, Non-Executive Director on 10 November 2020.
            by improvements in overall global    On behalf  of the Board, I commend  the  Bank’s management team and
            growth   and   international  trade,  employees  for  their commitment and  dedication  throughout the challenging
            hinging  on the back  of successful   year. Our gratitude also goes to our shareholders,   customers,  business
            containment   of  the   COVID-19     partners and bankers, as well as organisations with whom we collaborate
            pandemic  as well as  sustained      with. And for their decisive  stance in leading the nation through the
            recovery in external demand.         pandemic,  we  would  like to record  our  appreciation to the government and

            The Bank  will continue to deliver   all frontliners.
            positive impact to the community,    Though industry growth experienced a slowdown  in 2020, we emerged  from
            striving to improve client satisfaction   the challenging year with new strengths and the long-term vision for Bank
            and advance as an ethical Islamic bank   Muamalat still intact. The coming year will be equally  challenging as the
            supported by  strong shared values,   emergence of new strains continue to give rise to uncertainties. Therefore,
            holistic risk management, and good   it  is critical that  we apply  the  insights and collective knowledge gained
            governance.                          during  this  past year in  order  for  us  to  make  a  sustained  recovery.  However,
            Throughout 2021, the Bank will       the Board remains optimistic on our prospects moving forward supported
            extend assistance to communities     by the Bank’s sustainable financial and business expansion strategies.
            affected by the pandemic  so  that the   Thank you.
            most vulnerable gets a helping hand.
            Committed to BNM’s  VBI agenda,
            the Bank will  continue to grow
            and develop initiatives that  ensure
            adoption of more relevant practices,
            offerings and conduct that  generate   DATUK SERI TAJUDDIN ATAN
            positive and sustainable impact.     Chairman

            Business  growth will be accelerated
            via business  transformation  in the
            areas of consumer, commercial and
            corporate segments by focusing on
            better rated customers closely guided
            by the Bank’s risk appetite statement
            (“RAS”) and reassessed  list of
            preferred and non-preferred sectors.
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