Page 19 - Bank-Muamalat-AR2020
P. 19

                 Our Performance   Sustainability Statement  Our Governance    Our Numbers         Other Information

            Subdued    internal  and  external   31 December  2020. On a period-to-  However, Bank Muamalat registered a
            environments  impacted  the Bank’s   period comparison, it  was a decline   commendable performance despite net
            performance. Financing growth for    of  23.7%  compared  to  the previous     margin compression due to the lower
            the first half of the year was stunted     12 months PBTZ  of  RM229  million   profit rate environment, modification
            as business  activities were disrupted     for the period ended 31 December   losses  arising from the moratorium,
            due  to the movement  control  order   2019. Return on equity was 6.84% and     and business slowdown.
            (“MCO”). It was  further exacerbated   return on asset was 0.72%. With
            by  Bank Negara Malaysia’s (“BNM”)   prudent cost  management in place,     SHAPING OUR STRATEGIC
            decision  to reduce the overnight    our cost-to-income ratio was also   RESPONSE
            policy  rates  (“OPR”)  and   the    lower at 54.4% from 59.8% recorded in
            government’s introduction of loan    FY2019.                             The Bank reassessed and reprioritised
            and financing moratorium.                                                its RISE24 strategies to focus on
                                                       *Note: In 2019 Bank Muamalat   efforts that improve readiness in
            As a result, in the first half of 2020,    changed its financial year-end to   responding to the impact of the
            Bank Muamalat’s pre-tax profit fell        31 December from its original   pandemic. RISE24 is driven by seven
                                                       31 March, to synchronise with
            76.5% year on year to RM28.6 million,      the financial year of its holding   (7) strategic focus areas (“SFAs”)
            mainly on the back of lower income         company, DRB-HICOM Berhad     which is overarched by  value-based
            from financing due to deferred                                           principles and prudently centralised
            payments during the moratorium                                           on  the Bank’s  risk  and  compliance
            period. Additionally, provisions of                                      culture. Both defensive and offensive
            RM23.7 million were made as a  pre-                                      strategies were considered  to protect
            emptive measure  in view  of  the                                        assets  and  optimise  operations  while
            potential weakening of asset quality   54.4%                             encouraging prudent risk-taking  to
            due to the impact of the COVID-19                                        maximise opportunities for growth.
            pandemic.                                                                Among  our priorities for FY2020
                                                                                     was to safeguard the well-being  of
            Despite a weaker performance in the   FY2020’s cost-to-income ratio was
            first half of the year, Bank Muamalat   lower than the 59.8% recorded in   our employees and remain focused
            managed  to record  a  Profit  Before     FY2019.                        on   building capacity  to  remain
            Tax and Zakat (“PBTZ”)  of RM174.8                                       resilient in the current banking
            million for the financial year ended                                     environment. The introduction of
                                                    Additional provisions            various digital apps and platforms
                                                    of RM23.7 million                during the year provided  a safer
                                                    were made as a                   means of banking  and improved
                                                    pre-emptive measure              speed and convenience for an
                                                                                     enhanced customer experience.
            RM174.8                                 in view of the                   Efforts were redoubled to transform
                                                    potential weakening

            Million                                 of asset quality due             the credit risk management processes
                                                                                     to manage the balance sheet and
                                                    to the impact of the
                                                                                     defend asset quality. This led to a
                                                    COVID-19 pandemic.               strengthening  of the  Bank’s asset
            PBTZ recorded for FY2020
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