Page 52 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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         ACCELERATE                  ENABLE ISLAMIC             DRIVE                      CUSTOMER
         BUSINESS GROWTH             BANK FOR ALL               SUSTAINABILITY             CENTRICITY
         Catalyse growth by transforming    Diversify customer base and    Expand Social Finance and    Elevate customers’ experiences
         core business streams and    enhance range of financial solutions   transition responsibly to a    through digitalisation, customer
         diversifying into new growth engines  within all business segments  low carbon economy  care and brand transformation

              Focus Areas:               Focus Areas:                Focus Areas:               Focus Areas:
         •  Accelerate profitability by   •  Engage with local communities   •  Expand programmes or products    •  Elevate customer experience
           expanding beyond business as usual   through outreach programmes,   to assist Asnaf and B40   through digitalisation and new
           (BAU)                      sponsorships, and partnerships  entrepreneurs          engagement channels
         •  Expand fee-based income  •  Develop a range of financial   •  Develop financial products that   •  Reduce abandoned call rate
         •  Conduct thorough credit   products and services that appeal to   support environmentally    •  Execute Bank-wide brand
           assessments and monitor financing   a diverse customer base  sustainable projects and finance   transformation
           portfolios to mitigate default risks   •  Expand the Bank’s customer    eco-friendly initiatives
           and maintain asset quality  base through targeted    •  Comply with requirements from
         •  Forge strategic partnerships and   marketing campaigns and   BNM on Climate Risk as outlined in
           establish group synergy    relationship-building efforts to   the Climate Risk Management and
         •  Deploy strategies to optimise   increase financing activities and   Scenario Analysis
           capital                    income

              Key Achievements           Key Achievements            Key Achievements           Key Achievements
              for the Year:              for the Year:               for the Year:              for the Year:
         →  Expansion and growth in key   →  Active growth of customer base   →  Expanded sustainable products   →  Effective channel management
           businesses indicators      with more than 128,000     and service offerings       •  Enhanced retail internet banking
           •  Financing: 17.7%        new customers             •  Collaborated with Malakoff Corp   and mobile banking
           •  Deposits and Investment                            Berhad to introduce ECO Green   •  Launched new look for the
             Account: 24.1%         →  Evolved as an Islamic Lifestyle   financing            corporate website
           •  Asset: 23.9%            Banker with introduction of    •  Introduced Special Electric Vehicle   •  Completed brand transformation
           •  Low Gross Impaired Financing:   fidyah services for collection and   Campaign, which contributed about   for 62% our total branches
             0.93%                    over-the-counter advisory    RM340,000 of financing income   •  Introduced a live chat function
                                      at branches               •  Approved 2,240 applications for    on the Bank’s website to provide
         →  Launched real time cross border                      the iPUSH scheme             real-time and personalised
           payments and settlements                             •  Onboarded 11 entrepreneurs under   support for better customer
           (VISA B2B)
                                                                 the iTEKAD Mawaddah programme,   experience
                                                                 providing RM32,044 of working   •  Introduced Business Whatsapp
                                                                 capital and RM46,244 of seed   channel as a key customer
                                                                 capital in addition to RM55,000 in   engagement
                                                                 training fees               •  Rolled out DuitNow QR for
                                                                •  VBI assets as at December 2023   retail payment to all POS
                                                                 made up 52.2% of total financing  Malaysia outlets
                                                                →  Developed Climate Risk   →  Elevated customer experience
                                                                 Management framework to     •  Improved Customer Service
                                                                 align with BNM’s requirement  Index (CSI) 94% from 82.8%
                                                                                             •  Ranked #1 for CSI in the industry
                                                                                             •  Improved Brand Health
                                                                                              ranking from 7  (FY2022) to
                                                                                              4  among Islamic banks

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