Page 47 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 47

                                                                                                        OUR STRATEGY

              Type of Risk   Description and impact of the risk           How we manage or mitigate the risk

              Strategic Risk  The risk of unexpected adverse   •  Ongoing review, enhancement and monitoring of the business
                           developments in the Bank’s performance   strategies, risk appetite and capital planning process
                           stemming from fundamental strategic and  •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                           business decisions and their execution  •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                           The risk may present impacts to the   and business performance
                           Bank’s profitability, capital and reputation

                 Link to Material Matter                             Link to Impact on Capitals

              Reputational   The risk of loss arising from negative   •  Ongoing monitoring of Bank’s risk rating
              Risk         perception of the Banks’s image by   •  Perform competitive analysis on industry and market benchmark
                           conduct or business practice which   •  Build and protect goodwill
                           adversely impact profitability, operations   •  Institutionalise and monitor  culture and compliance
                           or shareholder value
                           The Bank’s reputation, liquidity, capital
                           and profitability may be impacted by this

                 Link to Material Matter                                   Link to Impact on Capitals

              Climate Risk  The financial dangers stemming from   •  Thoroughly evaluating exposure to climate-related risks
                           climate change impacts and efforts to   across portfolios for risk assessment, guided by Climate Risk
                           reduce carbon emissions, like potential   Management Framework
                           losses from financings/loans to industries   •  Integrating climate risks into every aspect of planning and
                           vulnerable to extreme weather events or   investment decisions
                           policy shifts                      •  Thoroughly assessing potential impacts of different climate
                           Climate risk poses financial, operational,   scenarios through Climate Risk Stress Testing
                           and reputational threats to the Bank   •  Close collaboration with stakeholders to effectively address
                           due to increased defaults on financings/  climate-related challenges
                           loans, reduced asset values, infrastructure  •  Enhancing resilience against climate hazards through
                           disruptions, and reputational damage  implementation of strategies
                                                              •  Actively supporting efforts aimed at reducing greenhouse gas
                                                              •  Providing transparent information on climate risk is necessary for
                                                                informed decision-making
                                                              •  Advocating for policies that promote sustainability and resilience
                                                                in the face of climate change

                 Link to Material Matter                                   Link to Impact on Capitals

                                                                                               Social &
                  Financial Capital  Manufactured Capital  Human Capital   Intellectual Capital
                                                                                               Relationship Capital
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