Page 46 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 46



           Type of Risk   Description and impact of the risk           How we manage or mitigate the risk

           Operational   The risk of loss resulting from inadequate   •  Enhance monitoring of key risk indicators to better track risk
           Risk         or failed internal processes, people and   exposures and provide early warning signals
                        systems or from various external events.   •  Ongoing review and validation of operational risk tools, i.e.
                        The effect may extend beyond financial   Risk & Control Self-Assessment (RCSA), Key Risk Indicators (KRI)
                        losses and may result in legal and   and Incident Management & Data Collection (IMDC)
                        reputational risk impacts          •  Ongoing management of bank-wide operational risks and
                        This risk could also create an impact on   monitoring of risk ratings
                        the Bank’s profitability and ability to meet  •  Ongoing management of business continuity strategy and plan
                        regulatory requirements as well as disrupt  •  Ongoing management and monitoring of outsourcing
                        the Bank’s business                  arrangements and mitigation strategy
                                                           •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                                                           •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                                                           •  Streamline and enhance Operational Risk Management policies
                                                             and procedures

              Link to Material Matter                             Link to Impact on Capitals

           Shariah      The risk that arises from failure to comply   •  Ongoing Shariah review
           Non-         with the Shariah rules and principles as   •  Continuous monitoring and reporting of  Shariah non-
           Compliance   determined by the Shariah Committee   compliances
           Risk         (SC) of the Bank and relevant Shariah   •  Enhanced monitoring and tracking of Shariah non-compliance
                        regulatory councils or committees.   risk exposures via risk tools i.e. Key Risk Indicators (KRI),
                        This risk creates regulatory, profitability   Risk & Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) and Incident
                        and reputation impacts.              Management & Data Collection (IMDC)
                                                           •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite
                                                           •  Conduct periodic stress testing and scenario analysis
                                                           •  Streamline and enhance Shariah Risk Management policies and

              Link to Material Matter                             Link to Impact on Capitals

           Technology   Risk arising from technology       •  Establish and operationalise new Technology Risk Management
           and          vulnerabilities which could result in   Framework (TRMF) and Cyber Resilience Framework (CRF)
           Cybersecurity  financial loss, disruptions to infrastructure,  •  Develop and implement IT & Cybersecurity Strategic Plan in
           Risk         operations and/or reputational harm.   alignment with business requirements and adherence to BNM’s
                        Cybersecurity risk is the probability of   Risk Management in Technology (RMiT) policy
                        loss of customer information and banking   •  Foresight by gathering FI threat intelligence through identify,
                        records due to cyber threat or attack  manage, and address related risks
                        This risk creates regulatory, profitability   •  Strengthen cyber resilience level and monitor sustainability of
                        and reputation impacts as well as disrupts   technology and cybersecurity controls
                        the Bank’s business                •  Ongoing review, enhancements and monitoring of risk appetite

              Link to Material Matter                             Link to Impact on Capitals

              Ethics &       Economic       Entrepreneur       Procurement    Digital        Energy Consumption
           M1             M2             M3                 M4             M5             M6
              Integrity      Performance    Development        Practices      Banking        and Environmental
              Community      Customer       Diversity and      Training and                  Financial      Responsible
           M7             M8             M9                 M10            M11 Employment  M12           M13
              Development    Experience     Equal Opportunity  Education                     Inclusion      Financing
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