Page 49 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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                                                                                                        OUR STRATEGY

                                             FY2023 STAKEHOLDER OUTCOMES            STAKEHOLDERS IMPACTED

                                             Financial Capital                         Shareholders
                     Deliver products and                                           S1  & Investors
                     financial solutions that   •  RM832 million income attributable to
                     cut across critical areas   depositors                         S2  Customers
                     as well as penetrate    •  RM295.6 million profit before tax
                     new untapped markets    •  9.35% return on equity
                     by harnessing digital
                     technologies            Manufacturing Capital                  S1  Shareholders    S4  Regulatory
                                             •  32.85% increase in mobile app subscribers   & Investors  Agencies &
                     Expand products and     •  63% of retail internet banking users were   S2  Customers  Statutory
                     diversify customer       mobile users, compared to 54% in FY2022                Local
                     base in order to be the   •  49.87%. increase in applications through   S3  Business   S5  Communities
                     preferred provider of    Muamalat Application Platform (MAP)      Partners
                     investment solutions
                                             Human Capital
                                                                                    S6  Employees
                     Maintain, optimise and   •  A diverse workforce of 49% male and
                     invest in our operations   •  65 average training hours per employee
                                              51% female
                     including technology,
                     marketing and
                                             •  Distributed RM307 million in remuneration
        Through Our    Business Activities,    the Bank  infrastructure  Intellectual Capital   S2  Customers  S5  Local
                                              for employees
                     Deliver exceptional
                     customer services to
                                             •  Ranked 1st in Net Promoter Score
                                              within the Malaysian financial industry
                     optimise customer
                     experience at all times
                     Empower local           Social & Relationship Capital          S3  Partners  S5  Local
                     communities in building   •  Disbursed a total of RM2,234,638.21                Communities
                     a more resilient and     of its Tabung Mawaddah Fund into 1,499   Business
                     thriving community       projects                              S3  Partners  S6  Employees
                                             •  Disbursed RM25,999,934.01 million under
                     Strengthen our base      waqf projects to support 142 nationwide
                     by complying with all    projects for healthcare, education and the
                     regulatory requirements   investment sector
                     and ensure a high       •  RM10.23 million of zakat contribution
                     commitment to risk and
                                             Natural Capital                        S2  Customers  S4  Regulatory
                                             •  Financing for preserving natural                     Agencies &
                     Identify ideal approaches                                                       Statutory
                     to sustainability,       environment was RM774 million for     S3  Business     Bodies
                     innovation and           FY2023                                   Partners      Local
                     leadership in order to be                                                    S5  Communities
                     recognised as a socially
                     responsible bank

 Bank Muamalat is committed to the highest standards of governance, ethics and integrity

                 Our 6 success beliefs have become our trademark in      Our employees are essential assets, and we seek to create a work
                serving our stakeholders                      environment that is inspiring, healthy and welcoming to allow our
                                                              employees to develop professionally and empower them to work
                                                              effectively in line with our mission

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