Page 50 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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               Through RISE26+, Bank Muamalat is charting a transformative journey
               aimed at growing sustainable impact and competitiveness in an increasingly
               dynamic and competitive banking sector.

                                          To be the Strongest Islamic Bank by 2026

                                 Sustainable              Islamic Bank       Next Generation and Agile Banking
                            1    Shareholder Returns  2   for All       3    Higher income from digital channels and
                                 Higher profitable        Diversify          Bank-wide digitalisation
                                 growth                   customer base
          5 Aspirations
                                 High Performing Organisation        Promote VBI and Sustainability
                            4    Embed a high performance       5    Intstitutionalise and increase contribution to
                                 culture                             Social Finance & Community Empowerment

                            1    Accelerate       2    Enable Islamic    3    Drive           4    Customer
          Supported              Business Growth       Bank for All           Sustainability       Centricity
          by 8 Strategic
                            5    Innovation       6    Operational       7    Strengthening    8   High Performing
                                                                              Our Foundation

          EXECUTING THE SECOND PHASE OF RISE26+                 For Bank Muamalat, being the Strongest Islamic Bank
                                                                is  about  maintaining  stable  and  consistent  financial
          Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of the banking industry,   performance and having a well-managed balance sheet,
          Bank Muamalat stands resolute as it embarks on the second   while leading the market and agilely adapting to change.
          year  of  its  RISE26+  strategic  plan.  This  five-year  roadmap,
          launched in 2022, guides the institution's proactive response   In FY2023, as the Bank strode into its second year of
          to a dynamic market environment, catalysed by the rapid   implementation, the RISE26+ aspirations were more strongly
          emergence and adoption of digital technologies.       evident in its operations. Key strategies were reviewed
                                                                and implemented with precision, aligning closely with the
          Crafted with a keen understanding of the "new norm,"
                                                                plan’s overarching objectives. Emphasis was placed not only
          RISE26+  harnesses  insights  from  market  dynamics,
                                                                on expanding reach and customer base but on fostering
          potential opportunities, and the Bank's intrinsic capabilities.
                                                                resilience, innovation, and operational excellence.
          It  represents  more  than  mere  financial  and  organic  growth;
          it embodies Bank Muamalat's vision to become the      By  fortifying  its  core  strengths  and embracing  adaptability,
          "Strongest Islamic Bank," underpinned by sustained     the Bank is poised to achieve its 2026 vision by navigating
          financial  stability,  robust  balance  sheet,  market  leadership,     complexities, leading market trends, and setting new
          and adaptability to change.                           benchmarks of excellence in Islamic banking.

                                                                The year’s strategic achievements are captured on pages 50 and 51

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