Page 104 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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             Enhancing Nationwide  Accessibility:  Maintained  a    Customer Convenience and Trust:  Efficiently  handled
             network  of  68  branches  and  expanded  online  platforms   791,107  calls,  addressing  increased  inquiries  related
             including  Retail  Internet  Banking  (RIB),  Mobile  Internet   to  online  banking  issues  and  financing  applications.
             Banking (MOB) for Retail customers, and Corporate Internet   This  outstanding  outcome  can  be  attributed  to  the
             Banking (CIB) for Non-Retail customers. Additionally, Bank   enhancements made to our Queue Management Service.
             Bergerak  services  further  enhanced  accessibility.  By  the   The  customer  satisfaction  level  was  maintained  at  over
             end of 2023, Bank Muamalat recorded:                   80%  since  FY2021  at  89.4%,  with  a  rate  of  82.8%  in
                                                                    2022  and  increased  by  13.53%  for  FY2023  to  94.0%.
                 525,366 RIB users     331,932 MOB users            The  Bank  also  resolved  36%  of  complaints  within
                                                                    0-2  working  days  and  aggressively  performed  callbacks
                 7,386 CIB users       194 Bank Bergerak            for dropped calls to enhance the customer experience.
                                                                    The  total  calls  received  and  answered  in  the  Contact
                                                                    Centre  for  FY2023  increased  by  28.87%  compared
             Our  localised  marketing  strategy  focused  on  serving
                                                                    to  FY2022.  Of  these,  39.8%  were  related  to  Internet
             local  customers  within  a  5km  radius  of  each  branch.
                                                                    Banking,  reflecting  a  significant  rise  in  Internet  Banking
             We utlised localised advertising, community engagement
                                                                    login  issues,  which  highly  impacted  the  volume  of
             initiatives,  and  tailored  promotional  campaigns  to
                                                                    inbound calls. Additionally, product and general inquiries
             ensure  services  meet  unique  community  needs,
                                                                    increased  by  13.18%,  and  financing  application  issues
             enhancing  customer  convenience,  fostering  stronger
                                                                    rose by 7.36% compared to FY2022.
             relationships, and upholding public trust.
                                                                    Our  effective  call  abandonment  rate  was  16.2%,
           What Did We Achieve?                                     in line with industry standards. Feedback and complaint
                                                                    handling  is  a  significant  agenda  of  the  Bank  Muamalat
             Community Impact:  By  supporting  over  50  community
                                                                    Management   Committee   (MANCO),   with   Senior
             programmes,  we  facilitated  the  creation  of  32,682  new
                                                                    Management  regularly  reviewing  the  performance  and
             accounts  and  accumulated  RM911  million  in  Current
                                                                    effectiveness of feedback handling.
             Account balances by 31 December 2023. These initiatives
             have  made  substantial  contributions  to  local  economic   The  top  three  types  of  queues  were  40%  for  Internet
             empowerment  and  community  development.  Through     Banking,  37%  for  Product  &  General  inquiries,  and  9%
             targeted  outreach  and  tailored  products  and  services   for Financing Applications. The high volume of calls was
             for  underserved  market  segments,  we  are  bridging  the   due  to  issues  relating  to  online  banking,  unauthorised
             poverty  gap,  enhancing  earning  power,  and  ensuring   debit  card  transactions,  and  the  increasing  number  of
             equitable access to banking services for all members of   Internet Banking users, as well as more inquiries regarding
             society.                                               financing assistance.
             Promoting Cashless Banking:  Achieved  RM144  million    The Bank’s dedication to enhancing the customer experience
             in  outstanding  balances  and  attracted  24,601  new     has  evidently  yielded  positive  results,  as  reflected  in  the
             accounts  by  the  end  of  FY2023,  promoting  financial   high  levels  of  customer  satisfaction  and  retention.  Moving
             inclusion  and  convenience  for  diverse  customer    forward,  we  will  remain  steadfast  in  our  efforts  to  further
             segments.                                          enhance  our  services  and  maintain  our  commitment  to
                                                                superior customer experience.

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