Page 108 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          2.  PROMOTING A DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE                          M9   Diversity and Equal Opportunity

           Why is this Important?                                What Did We Do?
          At  Bank  Muamalat,  we  recognise  that  diversity  and  equal     Gender Ratio and Representation
          opportunity  are  crucial  for  fostering  a  dynamic  and
          innovative  work  environment.  A  diverse  workforce  brings  a   • Gender Balance: At Bank Muamalat, we have achieved
          variety  of  perspectives  and  ideas,  enhancing  creativity  and   a gender ratio of 49% male and 51% female across our
          problem-solving  capabilities.  Ensuring  equal  opportunities     organisation. This balance reflects our commitment to
          for  all  employees  promotes  fairness,  reduces  discrimination,   gender diversity and our efforts to create a workplace
          and aligns with our ethical standards and values. By embracing   where both men and women can thrive equally.
          diversity  and  inclusivity,  we  improve  employee  satisfaction,   • Senior  Management  Representation:  While  we  are
          engagement,  and  overall  organisational  performance,     proud  of  our  overall  gender  balance,  we  recognise
          which is essential for our long-term success.              the  need  to  improve  female  representation  in  senior
                                                                     management.  Currently,  our  senior  management  ratio
           What is Our Approach?
                                                                     is 86% male and 14% female. To address this disparity,
                                                                     we are actively supporting the career development of
          Our  approach  to  diversity  and  equal  opportunity  at  Bank
                                                                     women within Bank Muamalat.
          Muamalat  involves  creating  an  inclusive  environment
          where  every  employee  feels  valued  and  supported.  We
                                                                Our  commitment  to  diversity  and  equal  opportunity  is
          are  committed  to  implementing  policies  and  practices  that
                                                                demonstrated  by  our  gender  balance  and  the  proactive
          promote gender balance, equal pay, and career advancement
                                                                steps  we  are  taking  to  improve  representation  at  senior
          for  underrepresented  groups.  Regular  assessments  of  our
                                                                management levels. While we have made significant progress
          diversity  metrics  help  us  identify  areas  for  improvement
                                                                in  promoting  gender  diversity,  we  acknowledge  the  need
          and measure the effectiveness of our initiatives. Additionally,
                                                                for  continued  efforts  to  achieve  greater  gender  parity  in
          training  programmes  on  diversity,  equity,  and  inclusion  (DEI)
                                                                leadership positions.
          are  integral  to  our  strategy,  fostering  awareness  and
          understanding among all employees.                    These ongoing efforts underscore our dedication to creating
                                                                a  workplace  at  Bank  Muamalat  that  values  and  leverages
                                                                the  diverse  talents  and  perspectives  of  all  employees,
                                                                ultimately driving innovation and excellence. We believe that
                                                                by  prioritising  diversity  and  equal  opportunity,  we  not  only
                                                                enhance  our  organisational  performance  but  also  contribute
                                                                positively to the broader community.

          By fostering an inclusive culture and implementing targeted initiatives, Bank Muamalat is dedicated to ensuring that all employees have the opportunity
          to succeed and contribute to our organisation’s success.
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