Page 107 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

            1.  STRENGTHENING OUR WORKFORCE                                                          M11   Employment

             Why is this Important?                                   Employee Welfare and Engagement
            Attracting  and  retaining  top-tier  talent  is  essential  for   •  Employee Welfare Initiatives:  We  have  established
            maintaining  our  competitive  edge  and  achieving  long-  programmes  that  support  both  the  physical  and
            term  business  success.  A  skilled  and  motivated  workforce   mental  well-being  of  our  employees.  These  include
            drives  innovation,  productivity,  and  overall  organisational   wellness  programmes,  mental  health  resources  and
            performance.  Moreover,  reducing  turnover  rates  is  critical   opportunities for career development.
            for  maintaining  continuity,  minimising  recruitment  costs,   •  Sustainability  Engagement  Score  (SES):   Our
            and  preserving  institutional  knowledge.  Ensuring  employee   commitment  to  sustainability  is  reflected  in  our
            welfare and engagement is fundamental to building a positive   high  Sustainability  Engagement  Score  of  88%.
            and  inclusive  workplace  culture,  which  in  turn  enhances  job   This  score  indicates  strong  employee  engagement
            satisfaction and productivity.                              in  our  sustainability  initiatives,  demonstrating  their
                                                                        commitment to our organisational goals.
             What is Our Approach?
                                                                      •  Employee  Engagement  Survey  (EES):  Introduced  in
            Our  approach  centers  around  strengthening  our  hiring,   2023, the EES provides valuable insights into employee
            recruitment, and retention methods to attract and retain the   feedback.  By  understanding  their  perspectives,  we
            best  talent  in  the  industry.  We  are  committed  to  reducing   can  make  informed  decisions  to  enhance  their  work
            turnover  rates  by  creating  a  supportive  and  engaging  work   experience and address any concerns promptly.
            environment.  This  involves  implementing  comprehensive
            employee  welfare  initiatives  that  address  physical  and     Collective Agreement and Benefits
            mental  health,  work-life  balance,  and  career  growth
            opportunities.  Additionally,  we  actively  seek  employee   •  Enhanced Collective Agreement:  We  have  worked
            feedback to continually improve our workplace practices and   closely  with  Unions  to  create  an  attractive  package
            policies.                                                   that  includes  competitive  salaries,  comprehensive
                                                                        benefits,  and  opportunities  for  professional  growth.
             What Did We Do?                                            This agreement is designed to retain skilled employees
                                                                        and  position  us  as  an  employer  of  choice  in  the
                Strengthening Recruitment and Retention                 industry.
                • Enhanced  Hiring  Practices:  We  have  refined  our   •  New Programmes and Benefits: We have implemented
                  recruitment  strategies  to  attract  top-tier  talent,    several new programmes aimed at cultivating a skilled
                  focusing  on  diversity  and  inclusivity.  Our  hiring    and  proficient  workforce.  These  include  training  and
                  processes are designed to identify candidates who not   development  opportunities,  mentorship  programmes,
                  only possess the necessary skills but also align with our   and  initiatives  that  promote  a  healthy  work-life
                  organisational values.                                balance.
                • Retention  Strategies:  To  reduce  turnover  rates,  we   Our  efforts  to  strengthen  hiring,  recruitment,  and  retention
                  have introduced several initiatives aimed at improving   methods  have  yielded  positive  results.  The  reduction  in
                  employee  satisfaction  and  engagement.  These  efforts   turnover rates and the high SES are indicative of our success
                  have resulted in a decrease in turnover from 14.01% in   in  creating  a  supportive  and  engaging  work  environment.
                  2022 to 12.91% in 2023.                          By   continually   investing   in   employee   welfare   and
                                                                   engagement,  we  are  well-positioned  to  attract  and  retain
                                                                   top-tier  talent,  ensuring  the  sustained  growth  and  success
                                                                   of our organisation.

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