Page 103 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 103

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

            6.  STRENGTHENING CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCELLENCE                                      M8   Customer Experience

             Why is this Important?                                   •  Enables  SMS  notifications  via  CRM  platforms  for  the
                                                                        latest  marketing  campaigns,  enhancing  campaign
            Delivering  exceptional  customer  service  is  crucial  for  Bank   awareness and customer engagement.
            Muamalat to not only meet but exceed customer expectations,
                                                                      •  Ensures  customers  are  informed  about  the  status  of
            foster  long-term  loyalty,  and  maintain  a  competitive  edge
                                                                        their personal financing applications through SMS and
            in  the  banking  industry.  By  enhancing  service  efficiency,
                                                                        CRM updates.
            expanding   digital   accessibility,   and   engaging   with
            communities,  Bank  Muamalat  aims  to  ensure  a  seamless     •  Enhances case and issue management for the Customer
            and satisfactory banking experience for all customers.      Service Department through the CRM system, ensuring
                                                                        prompt resolution of customer feedback.
             What is Our Approach?
                                                                      Community Involvement Initiatives:  Integrated  into
            Bank  Muamalat’s  approach  centers  around  two  core    over  50  deposit  sales  and  marketing  programmes
            strategies: improving physical branch services and leveraging   in 2023, including:
            digital  advancements  to  offer  convenience  and  accessibility.
            We  are  committed  to  integrating  community  engagement   •  Peniaga-peniaga  Kecil  Jualan  Ramadhan  and  Syawal:
            initiatives and developing tailored products and services that     Supporting small businesses during Ramadan and Eid.
            cater to the unique needs of different customer segments.
                                                                      •  Back  to  School  Programme:  Collaborating  with
                                                                        corporations  and  schools  to  support  educational
             What Did We Do?
                Digital Banking Initiative                            •  Collaborations  with  Persatuan  Pengilang-Pengilang:
                Bank Muamalat’s  Digital Banking Division (DBD) plays a    Engaging  with  manufacturing  associations  to  promote
                pivotal  role  in  enhancing  customer  service  and     economic growth.
                operational efficiency through various initiatives:   •  Program Menjana Pendapatan bagi Wanita (WEJANA):
                                                                        Empowering  women  through  income  generation
                •  Acts  as  a  mediator  to  address  and  resolve  customer-  programmes.
                  related technical and operational issues swiftly.
                •  Assists  employers  and  foreign  workers  in  opening     These  efforts  targeted  underserved  market  segments,
                  salary  accounts,  streamlining  processes  from  data   bridging  gaps  in  poverty,  increasing  earning  power,
                  collection to card delivery at workplaces.          and  ensuring  equitable  access  to  banking  services.
                                                                      As  a  result,  Bank  Muamalat  acquired  32,682  accounts
                •  Enhanced  Electronic  Know-Your-Customer  (e-KYC)   from   small   business   customers,   equivalent   to
                  process,  enabling  more  customers  to  onboard  via   RM911  million  in  Current  Account  balances  as  of
                  straight through processing.
                                                                      31 December 2023.
                •  Oversees daily Electronic Know-Your-Customer (e-KYC)
                  applications,  ensuring  swift  response  at  branches  to   Promoting  Cashless  Banking:   Launched   special
                  expedite  customer  onboarding  process  and  improve   deposit  products  and  campaigns  aimed  at  underserved
                  Turnaround Time (TAT).                              segments like rural communities, young adults, students,
                                                                      and senior citizens:
                •  Collaboration with Financial Link Sdn Bhd to streamline
                  Savings  Account  onboarding  process  for  foreign   •  Pensioner Saving Account-i
                  workers,  identifying  and  implementing  initiatives  to
                  improve efficiencies.                               •  BeeSTAR-i Saving Account
                                                                      •  Masjid/Surau Current Account

                                                                      These  initiatives  yielded  RM144  million  in  outstanding
                                                                      balances and attracted 24,601 new accounts in FY2023,
                                                                      providing a convenient banking experience for our diverse
                                                                      customer base.

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