Page 99 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 99

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

             What Did We Do?                                        What Did We Achieve?
            In FY2023, we implemented several initiatives to enhance our   Our  procurement  practices  have  yielded  significant  results,
            procurement practices:                                 demonstrating  our  dedication  to  ethical  and  sustainable
                Vendor Performance Evaluation:  For  better  synergy
                with  vendors,  we  conduct  Vendor  Performance      Increased  Digital  Procurement:  The  number  of
                Evaluations  to  ensure  they  continuously  deliver  the   proposals  processed  through  the  digital  procurement
                subscribed  services  efficiently.  Poor-performing  vendors   system  has  steadily  increased,  indicating  improved
                are advised to improve their respective performance.  transparency and efficiency.
                Vendor Code of Conduct: We continue to have vendors   Enhanced   Vendor   Relationships:  By  conducting
                sign  a  Vendor  Code  of  Conduct  and  Declaration  of     regular  performance  evaluations  and  maintaining  open
                Interest  to  build  trust  with  stakeholders,  showing  our   communication,  we  have  built  stronger,  more  reliable
                commitment to ethical values and principles.          partnerships with our vendors.
                Digital Procurement System: We increased transparency   Regulatory Compliance:  By  adhering  to  regulatory
                and  efficiency  through  a  digital  procurement  system   requirements  and  conducting  thorough  due  diligence,
                for  vendor  onboarding.  The  number  of  proposals    we  have  mitigated  risks  and  ensured  the  fair  treatment
                processed  through  this  system  increased  from  74%     of financial consumers.
                in 2019 to 83% in 2023.
                                                                   Our  commitment  to  responsible  procurement  practices
                P2P Procurement Solution:  We  are  exploring  a   ensures that our operations positively impact the community
                P2P  procurement  solution  to  further  strengthen  our
                                                                   and  environment.  Through  these  efforts,  we  continue  to
                procurement  processes,  improve  compliance,  and     uphold  the  values  of  transparency,  fairness,  and  integrity  in
                enhance business efficiency.
                                                                   all our procurement activities.
                Inclusive Supplier Collaboration:  We  collaborated  with
                vendors  that  employ  people  with  disabilities,  single
                mothers, and other marginalised groups, supporting our
                commitment to inclusivity.

            Meeting the needs of new consumer demands while contributing to national decarbonisation  goals, the Bank actively promoted rates as low as 2.1%,
            100% financing, and up to nine-year tenure for Electric Vehicles.

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