Page 101 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 101

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

                Policy Updates and Awareness:  The  Bank  revises  its   What Did We Achieve?
                policies regularly to ensure they are up to date with current
                regulations and industry standards. In 2023, the Policy of   Corruption-Free Environment:  By  maintaining  a  strict
                Industrial Relations was revised to increase awareness of   no-gift  policy  and  other  anti-corruption  measures,
                anti-sexual harassment measures at the workplace.     we ensured a corruption-free environment.
                Training  and    Communication:   We    conduct       Enhanced Reporting Mechanisms: Increased awareness
                comprehensive  training  programmes  to  equip  our   and usage of the Muamalat Ethics Line, leading to timely
                employees  with  the  knowledge  to  combat  bribery     and effective investigations of reported cases.
                and  corruption.  In  2023,  four  Anti-Bribery  and    Employee Awareness: Successfully trained all employees
                Anti-Corruption  training  programmes  were  completed    on Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption measures, reinforcing
                by  all  employees,  highlighting  our  commitment  to     the importance of ethical conduct.
                ongoing education in this critical area.
                                                                   Our  commitment  to  upholding  the  highest  standards
                Whistleblowing  Mechanism:  The  Muamalat  Ethics  Line
                                                                   of  ethics  and  integrity  is  evident  through  our  proactive
                serves  as  a  dedicated  channel  for  reporting  any  wrong
                                                                   measures  and  continuous  efforts  to  enhance  awareness,
                doing.  To  enhance  awareness,  the  Bank  conducted
                                                                   training,  and  compliance.  These  initiatives  reflect  our
                eight  sharing  sessions,  installed  informational  banners,
                                                                   dedication   to   fostering   a   culture   of   transparency,
                and  placed  screensavers  on  all  staff  computers.  These
                                                                   accountability,  and  ethical  conduct,  ensuring  that  we  remain
                measures  ensure  employees  are  well-informed  about
                                                                   a trusted and responsible Islamic financial institution.
                how to report unethical behaviour.
             What Did We Do?
            Throughout  2023,  we  implemented  several  initiatives  to
            strengthen our ethical practices:
                Whistleblowing  Cases:  The  Bank  received  and
                investigated  six  reports  via  the  Muamalat  Ethics  Line
                related  to  staff  misconduct,  negligence,  and  fraudulent
                transactions. The outcomes of five cases were escalated
                to  the  Board  Audit  Committee  (BAC).  A  total  of  two
                whistleblowing cases were reported to Industry relations.
                Policy Revisions:  We  revised  the  Policy  of  Industrial
                Relations to enhance awareness of anti-sexual harassment
                measures and other critical issues.
                Training Programmes:  Four  Anti-Bribery  and  Anti-
                Corruption  training  programmes  were  successfully
                completed by all employees.                        Bank  Muamalat’s  PCEO  launching  the  2023-2025  Organisational
                                                                   Anti-Corruption  Plan  to  Promote  Integrity  and  Accountability  on
                Awareness Campaigns:  Conducted  eight  sharing     7 November 2023.
                sessions  on  the  Muamalat  Ethics  Line  by  the  Internal
                Audit  team  covering  selected  Branches  and  Head
                Office Department, placed banners at head office floors
                and  branches,  and  installed  screensavers  on  all  staff
                computers  and  Automated  Teller  Machines  (ATM)’s

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