Page 100 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          5.  UPHOLDING STANDARDS AT BANK MUAMALAT                                            M1   Ethics and Integrity

           Why is this Important?
          Maintaining  high  standards  of  ethics  and  integrity  is  essential  for  the  Bank’s  operations.  A  robust  ethical  framework  helps
          prevent  corruption,  promotes  transparency,  and  ensures  that  all  stakeholders  can  trust  the  Bank.  By  fostering  a  culture  of
          integrity,  the  Bank  not  only  complies  with  regulatory  requirements  but  also  enhances  its  reputation  and  operational
          effectiveness, ultimately contributing to long-term sustainable growth.
           What is Our Approach?
          Our  approach  to  ethics  and  integrity  is  comprehensive  and  multifaceted,  encompassing  strict  adherence  to  anti-corruption
          guidelines, robust policies, regular training, and effective whistleblowing mechanisms.
             Zero Tolerance for Corruption: Bank Muamalat adopts a “zero tolerance” approach to all forms of bribery and corruption.
             We  comply  with  the  Guidelines  on  Adequate  Procedure  under  Section  17A  Corporate  Liability  (Amendment  2018)
             MACC Act 2009, which provides the T.R.U.S.T. framework:

                Top-Level           •  Spearheaded the establishment of the Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan.
                Commitment          •  Enhanced Policy on Anti-Bribery and Corruption and related guidelines.
                                    •  Allocated training budget for anti-bribery and corruption training.
                                    •  Mandated periodic reporting on integrity management activities to the Board and Management.
                                    •  Practiced semi-annual reporting to the Agency Integrity Management Division of the Malaysian
                                      Anti-Corruption Commission through our Integrity and Governance Unit.

                Risk                •  Conducted Bank-wide risk assessment and action plan via the Organisational Anti-Corruption
                Assessment            Plan.

           U    Control             •  Enhanced Integrity-related documents, i.e., Policy on Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Anti-Bribery
                Measures              and Corruption Guideline on Gift and Entertainment, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Guideline on
                                      Donation and Sponsorship, and Anti-Bribery and Corruption Handbook.

            S   Review,             •  Administered the bribery and corruption reporting channel and advisory platform.
                Monitoring, And     •  Required  periodic  reporting  to  the  Board  and  Management  on  Anti-Bribery  and  Corruption
                Enforcement           programmes.
                                    •  Obligated  monthly  monitoring  of  gift  and  entertainment  declarations  by  the  Bank’s  staff.
                                      Enforced donation and sponsorship application review and monitoring.
                                    •  Imposed  monitoring  of  vendors’  conflict  of  interest  through  Vendor  Code  of  Conduct
                                    •  Reviewed  standard  operating  procedures  and  policies  to  include  integrity-related  matters
                                      wherever applicable.
                                    •  Assessed the understanding of the Bank’s staff via Anti-Bribery and Corruption e-learning.

            T   Training And        •  Mandated  Anti-Bribery  and  Corruption  training  to  all  staff  through  e-learning  and  the
                Communication         Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan workshop.
                                    •  Implemented Integrity Internal Alerts and Integrity Newsletters.

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