Page 98 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 98



           What Did We Achieve?
          Our efforts in responsible financing have yielded significant positive outcomes, demonstrating our commitment to sustainable
          economic growth and responsible banking practices:
             Economic Value: Generated RM1,784.65 million in economic value, distributed RM1,455.18 million, and retained RM329.47
             million, showcasing our dedication to creating value for all stakeholders.
             MSME Support: Provided substantial financial support to MSMEs, fostering economic development in local communities.
             Staff Financing: Approved a total of RM6.42 million in financing to employees, incorporating responsible financing practices
             to prevent excessive debt burdens.
             Increased ESG Commitment: Strengthened our commitment to the ESG agenda, supporting the transition to a low carbon
             economy and promoting green financing.
          These  achievements  underscore  Bank  Muamalat’s  role  as  a  responsible  corporate  citizen,  committed  to  promoting  financial
          inclusion,  supporting  sustainable  economic  growth,  and  ensuring  ethical  banking  practices  by  fostering  a  more  equitable
          and resilient financial system.

          4.  FOSTERING ETHICAL AND SUSTAINABLE PARTNERSHIPS                               M4   Procurement Practices

           Why is this Important?                                   Governance Meetings:  Monthly  governance  meetings
                                                                    are  held  by  the  respective  business  units  to  discuss
          Effective  procurement  practices  are  crucial  for  ensuring   any  issues  related  to  outsourcing  providers,  ensuring
          that  the  Bank’s  operations  are  ethical,  sustainable,  and   continuous oversight and accountability.
          in  compliance  with  regulatory  requirements.  By  adopting
                                                                    Regulatory Compliance: Our procurement practices are
          responsible procurement practices, the Bank not only mitigates
          risks  associated  with  outsourcing  and  vendor  relationships     designed  to  satisfy  adequate  procedures  under  Section
          but  also  promotes  social  and  environmental  sustainability.    17A MACC Act 2009.
          This  approach  aligns  with  our  commitment  to  ethical  values    Ethical Commitments:  Vendors  are  required  to  sign  a
          and  the  principles  of  VBI,  fostering  long-term,  mutually   Vendor  Code  of  Conduct  and  Declaration  of  Interest,
          beneficial partnerships with our suppliers.               reinforcing  our  commitment  to  ethical  values  and
           What is Our Approach?
                                                                    Inclusive Procurement:  In  line  with  VBI  values,
          Our approach to procurement is comprehensive and rooted in   we  consider  additional  values  that  vendors  can  offer,
          due diligence, governance, and inclusivity. Key aspects of our   such  as  employing  people  with  disabilities,  single
          strategy include:                                         mothers,  and  local  vendors.  We  have  also  expanded
                                                                    to include ESG criteria in our vendor selection process.
             Due Diligence:  The  Bank  conducts  thorough  due
             diligence  when  onboarding  new  vendors,  renewing
             contracts,  or  renegotiating  existing  arrangements.
             This  includes  regular  testing  of  device  provider’s
             business continuity plan (BCP) and ensuring the security
             of  shared  information.  We  also  ensure  that  the  staff  of
             service providers comply with the standards imposed by
             Bank Negara Malaysia.

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