Page 109 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

            3.  INVESTING IN EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT                                            M10  Training and Education

             Why is this Important?                                   Focused Training and Education Initiatives
            We  believe  that  continuous  learning  and  development  are       In 2023, Bank Muamalat focused on providing leadership
            crucial  for  maintaining  a  competitive  edge  and  ensuring   and Shariah knowledge training to re-skill and upskill our
            organisational  success.  Training  and  education  are  essential   employees. Key programmes included:
            for  equipping  our  employees  with  the  skills  and  knowledge
            necessary  to  navigate  an  ever-evolving  financial  landscape.    •  Muamalat  Professional  Bankers Programme:  This
            By  investing  in  our  workforce’s  professional  growth,     programme  was  structured  as  part  of  the  learning
            we  enhance  their  capabilities,  foster  innovation,  and   pathway  for  Assistant  Branch  Managers  (ABM)  and
            drive  overall  business  performance.  Moreover,  providing   Branch Managers (BM).
            opportunities for re-skilling and upskilling supports employee   o It  consists  of  three  modules:  governance  &
            engagement  and  retention,  contributing  to  a  motivated  and   compliance,  technical/functional,  and  leadership  &
            proficient workforce.                                         coaching.
                                                                        o A  total  of  134  ABM  &  BM  participated  in  this
             What is Our Approach?
                                                                          programme,    enhancing   their   professional
            Our approach to training and education at Bank Muamalat is    competencies and leadership skills.
            comprehensive and strategic, focusing on both in-house and
            external programmes to address the diverse learning needs of     •  INSEAD  (Phoenix the  Encounter):  21  senior  leaders
            our  employees.  We  prioritise  leadership  development  and   participated  in  this  programme,  which  aims  to
            Shariah  knowledge  to  align  with  our  organisational  values    strengthen  strategic  capabilities.  The  programme
            and  industry  requirements.  Our  training  programmes  are     focuses  on  anticipating  and  addressing  current
            designed  to  cater  to  various  levels  of  the  organisation,   weaknesses  and  fostering  a  mindset  that  envisions
            from  entry-level  employees  to  senior  leaders,  ensuring  a    potential disruptions to prevailing business models.
            continuous learning pathway for all.                      •  Powering Inspired Leaders: Situational Leadership II:
                                                                        This  programme  equips  leaders  with  situational
             What Did We Do?
                                                                        leadership  skills,  enabling  them  to  adapt  their
                                                                        leadership  style  to  the  needs  of  their  team  members
                Training Activities in 2023
                                                                        and the demands of different situations.
                In-House Training: We conducted a total of 583 in-house   •  Empowering Young Executives (EYES): Designed for
                training programmes, categorised as follows:            young professionals, this programme aims to cultivate
                                                                        the  next  generation  of  leaders  by  providing  essential
                •   Core        •   Functional    •   Leadership        skills and knowledge for career advancement.
                  Programmes:     Programmes:     Programmes:
                  354             185             44               Our  commitment  to  training  and  education  has  resulted  in
                                                                   significant  professional  development  opportunities  for  our
                Public  (External)  Programmes:   We   facilitated
                                                                   employees. The extensive range of training programmes and
                154  external  training  programmes,  enabling  employees
                                                                   the  high  average  training  hours  per  staff  reflect  our
                to gain insights from industry experts and broaden their
                                                                   dedication to continuous learning. By focusing on leadership
                professional networks.
                                                                   development  and  Shariah  knowledge,  we  ensure  that  our
                                                                   workforce  is  well-equipped  to  meet  industry  demands  and
                •   Total Training   •  Average Training
                                                                   uphold our organisational values.
                  Hours:          Hours per Staff:
                  156,967         65 hours
                                                                   Through these initiatives, Bank Muamalat continues to foster
                                                                   a culture of learning and development, positioning ourselves
                                                                   as an employer of choice and driving our collective success.
                                                                   Our ongoing investment in employee training and education
                                                                   underscores  our  commitment  to  excellence,  innovation,  and
                                                                   adherence to Shariah principles in the banking sector.

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