Page 114 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          1.  ENERGY AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT                           M6   Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact

           Why is this Important?                                   Commitment to ESG and Climate Change at Bank
          At  Bank  Muamalat,  we  continue  to  prioritise  resource
          and  energy  efficiency  as  well  as  sustainable  infrastructure,    On  30  April  2021,  Bank  Negara  Malaysia  issued  the
          processes,  and  systems  to  achieve  our  business  goals.    Climate  Change  and  Principle-Based  Taxonomy  (CCPT),
          The formation of the Cost Saving Initiative (CSI) Taskforce in   urging  financial  institutions  to  enhance  their  role  in
          late 2019 has heightened our focus on energy and resource   supporting climate and environmental objectives through
          management. The CSI programme has successfully generated   green  financing,  investment,  and  advisory  activities.
          significant  cost  savings  and  established  more  efficient    Embracing  this  initiative,  Bank  Muamalat  has  initiated
          processes without compromising regulatory requirements.   ESG Scorecard Assessment for customer assessments to
                                                                    gauge  their  exposure  to  climate  change,  aiming  to
          Sustainability  and  environmental  stewardship  have  become   monitor  their  progress  toward  adopting  climate-related
          imperative  in  today’s  business  landscape.  We  recognise     objectives.
          the  critical  importance  of  reducing  our  environmental
          footprint and contributing to a greener future. The initiatives   Additionally,  Bank  Muamalat  plans  to  integrate  climate-
          we  have  undertaken  underscore  our  commitment  to     related  objectives  into  its  risk  management  framework
          environmental  responsibility,  resource  efficiency,  and  cost   to  fully  embed  sustainable  practices  across  banking
          savings.  By  transitioning  to  more  sustainable  practices,    operations. We have conducted comprehensive ESG risk
          we  are  not  only  safeguarding  the  environment  but  also   assessments  for  selected  non-individual  customers
          enhancing our operational efficiency and long-term viability.  based  on  our  ESG  Scorecard  Guideline.  High-risk
                                                                    customers  are  required  to  develop  mitigation  plans
             Supporting Climate and Environmental Objectives        with  specific  time-bound  monitoring  triggers,  in
                                                                    alignment  with  the  Climate  Change  Classification
             In  recent  years,  ESG  factors  have  gained  significant
                                                                    under the Bank Negara Malaysia’s CCPT.
             attention  from  stakeholders,  including  customers,
             investors, policymakers, and society as a whole. Effective   Our enhanced annual review process involves reassessing
             ESG  risk  management  has  become  increasingly  crucial,   customers,  tracking  mitigation  plans,  and  scrutinising
             with  businesses  expected  to  make  decisions  that   them  as  needed.  This  ongoing  refinement  supports  the
             contribute  to  the  broader  society  and  combat  climate   transition to better practices for managing ESG risks and
             change.  As  a  financial  institution,  Bank  Muamalat     mitigating our impact on climate change. Through these
             faces  particular  scrutiny  due  to  our  ability  and  influence   measures,  Bank  Muamalat  strengthens  its  commitment
             in  mobilising  capital.  We  are  in  a  unique  position  to   to  responsible  banking  and  contributes  proactively  to
             steer  investments  away  from  short-term,  potentially   global sustainability efforts.
             harmful  ventures  toward  long-term  projects  that
             address  sustainability  issues,  with  a  strong  emphasis
             on  climate  action.  The  growing  demand  for  sustainable
             financing has led to a surge in interest among investors
             for   sustainability-linked   funding.   By   integrating
             ESG  considerations  into  our  financing,  investment,
             and  advisory  practices,  Bank  Muamalat  strengthens
             its  position  as  a  responsible  financial  institution  and
             contributes  to  the  global  effort  in  combating  climate

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