Page 115 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 115

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

             What is Our Approach?                                  What Did We Achieve?
            Our  approach  to  sustainability  is  comprehensive  and   In  2023,  we  achieved  substantial  cost  savings  totaling  over
            multifaceted,  focusing  on  reducing  energy  consumption,   RM6 million through various initiatives such as:
            optimising  resource  usage,  and  implementing  cost-saving
            measures.  We  have  adopted  new  technologies  and      Bank-wide SDWAN Implementation: RM2.9 million
            practices   that   minimise   environmental   impact   while    •  Enhanced  network  management  efficiency  across  the
            promoting efficiency and savings. These initiatives include:  organisation.

                Replacing  conventional  fluorescent  lighting  with  energy-  Additional Managed Services - TM Vos: RM1 million
                efficient LED bulbs across all branches.
                                                                      •  Expanded managed services for streamlined operations.
                Implementing  a  bank-wide  Software-Defined  Wide  Area
                Network (SDWAN) for efficient network management.     Saving on Rental Premises & Negotiation: RM747K
                Expanding managed services to streamline operations.  •  Optimised  real  estate  expenses  through  strategic
                Optimising  real  estate  expenses  through  strategic   negotiations.
                                                                      HRDC Fund Utilisation on Training: RM216K
                Utilising  HRDC  funds  for  employee  training  to  enhance   •  Invested  in  employee  training  to  boost  skills  and
                skills and productivity.
                Deploying Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to automate
                manual tasks and reduce energy consumption.           RPA Phase 1 & Pilot: RM253K
                Upgrading  RAM  and  SSD  in  existing  laptops  to  reduce   •  Reduced   energy   consumption   by   automating
                electronic waste and energy consumption.                manual  tasks,  minimising  energy-intensive  work  and
                                                                        optimising  resource  usage.  Bots  also  run  tasks  during
             What Did We Do?                                            low-demand  energy  periods,  further  increasing  the
                                                                        energy saved.
                The Green Way  Forward:  In  our  ongoing  efforts  to
                promote  sustainability,  we  have  replaced  conventional   Cost Saving from Upgrading RAM & SSD: RM1.2 million
                fluorescent  lighting  bulbs  with  LED  bulbs  in  all  our
                branches.  This  change  is  significant  as  traditional   •  Improved  system  efficiency  by  upgrading  RAM  and
                fluorescent  bulbs  contain  harmful  materials  such  as   SSD, leading to reduced energy consumption. This also
                mercury,  which  pose  environmental  risks.  In  contrast,   minimised  electronic  waste  by  extending  the  lifespan
                LED lights are free from toxic materials, are 100 percent   of  existing  laptops,  thereby  promoting  sustainability
                recyclable,  and  have  a  longer  operational  lifespan.    by reducing e-waste.
                This initiative not only reduces our carbon footprint but   Digital Document Management System (DDMS):
                also  contributes  to  significant  material  and  production   RM140K
                                                                      •  Significantly reduced paper usage, promoting efficient
                Energy Usage: We continually monitor and manage our     resource  management,  digitalising  the  policy  vetting
                energy  consumption  to  identify  areas  for  improvement.   and  approval  process  and  ensuring  compliance  with
                Here are the key statistics for our energy usage:
                                                                        governance standards.
                •  Both HQ & Branches:
                                                                   Through  these  initiatives,  Bank  Muamalat  continues  to
                                   2023              2022          demonstrate  its  commitment  to  environmental  stewardship,
                                                                   operational  efficiency,  and  cost-effectiveness,  setting  a
                  Electricity:  8,266,903.36 kWh  8,166,063 kWh
                                                                   benchmark for sustainable practices in the banking industry.
                  Water:       144,276.94 m³      141,156 m³
                  Petrol:     445,292.01 litres  388,495.19 litres
                  Diesel:      22,773.14 litres  19,403.59 litres

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