Page 117 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 117

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

            Phone Calls
            The  increase  in  the  volume  of  calls  for  FY2023  was  due  to  issues  relating  to  online  banking  issues,  unauthorised  debit  card
            transactions, financing assistance inquiries, and overall increase in the number of internet banking users.

                        Phone Calls Received                 FY2022               FY2023               Variance
             Total Calls                                      613,883              791,107              28.87%

             Total Answered Calls                             399,086              448,011              12.26%
             % Answered Calls                                 65.01%               56.63%               -8.38%

            The top 3 categories of calls were Internet Banking (40%), Product & General (37%) and Financing Application (9%).

                       Phone Calls by Category               FY2022               FY2023               Variance
             Internet Banking                                 190,435              314,950              65.38%

             Product and General                              256,751              290,582              13.18%
             Financing Application                            69,321               74,426               7.36%

            Customer Satisfaction Survey
            The  Bank  improved  its  overall  customer  satisfaction  score  to  91%  in  FY2023,  while  covering  193  more  respondents  than
            the previous year.

                                      Touchpoints                             FY2022         FY2023       Variance
             No. of respondents                                                 307           500           193

             Overall Customer Satisfaction Index                               82.80%         94%          11.20%
             Branches                                                          84.70%         92%          7.30%
             Contact Centre                                                    84.70%         84%          -0.70%

             Internet Banking                                                  82.50%         91%          8.50%
             Mobile Banking                                                    81.80%         89%          7.20%
             Self-service Terminals                                            81.50%         91%          9.50%

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