Page 111 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 111

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

                Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)                 Sponsorship Programme
                In  FY2023,  the  Bank  carried  out  various  CSR  activities     •  Support for Various Institutions:  The  sponsorship
                that  benefitted  different  underprivileged  communities,   programme  distributed  a  total  of  RM289,400.00  in
                aiming  to  create  ‘Better  Lives,  Together’  with  the    FY2023 to more than 65 institutions, including welfare
                community.  A  total  of  RM194,500  in  donations  was   homes, educational institutions, and NGOs.
                distributed  to  more  than  42  orphanages,  mosques,
                welfare  homes,  schools,  and  educational  institutions,   Through  these  initiatives,  Bank  Muamalat  has  demonstrated
                alongside 2,000 bags of blood collected from the Bank’s   its  commitment  to  social  welfare  and  ethical  banking
                blood donation campaign.                           practices, aligned with Maqasid al-Shariah and VBI principles.
                                                                   By  integrating  these  principles  into  our  community
                Key CSR Activities in 2023                         development  efforts,  we  not  only  create  positive  social
                                                                   impact  but  also  contribute  to  sustainable  economic  growth
                •  Branch Opening Donation:  Donation  in  conjunction   and  promote  inclusive  prosperity.  Our  ongoing  dedication
                  with  the  grand  opening  of  the  new  Bank  Muamalat   to  community  development  underscores  our  role  as  a
                  Malaysia Berhad Indera Mahkota Branch.           responsible corporate citizen, striving to create ‘Better Lives,
                •  Back to School Programme: Collaborated with Kelab   Together’  with  the  community,  and  uphold  the  values  of
                  Kebudayaan  dan  Sukan  Generasi  Baru  Sungai  Besi    compassion, fairness, and integrity in all our endeavours.
                  and  Persatuan  Pegawai  Rendah  Polis  Diraja  and
                  Pejabat Ahli Parlimen Bandar Tun Razak.          Aligned  with  our  commitment  to  the  United  Nations  SDGs,
                                                                   our  initiatives  actively  contribute  to  achieving  global  targets
                •  Iftar Events:  Organised  Majlis  Berbuka  Puasa  with   such  as  poverty  alleviation,  quality  education,  and  good
                  orphans  in  5  regions  and  at  Masjid  Jamek,  and     health  and  well-being.  By  supporting  these  SDGs,
                  distributed  Iftar  Packs  for  Media  during  Ramadhan     we  aim  to  foster  a  more  equitable  and  sustainable  future
                  2023.                                            for all, reinforcing our mission to create positive change and
                •  Rewang Bubur Lambuk:  Conducted  in  5  regions     empower communities worldwide.
                  during Ramadhan.
                •  Blood  Donation  Programme:   Partnered   with
                  government  and  private  hospitals  across  the  country
                  to organise blood donation drives.
                •  Hari Asyura Donations:  Held  in  6  locations  across
                •  National Day Celebration with Orang Asli: Engaged
                  with  indigenous  communities  to  celebrate  Malaysia’s
                  National Day.
                •  Sumbangan Sempena Pelancaran SSi:  Donations  in
                  conjunction with the launch of new initiatives.

            Bank Muamalat brought cheer to underprivileged pupils under its “Back to   The  Bank  celebrated  the  spirit  of  unity  and  inclusivity  by  organising
            School” programme on 16 March 2023.                    a  Merdeka  Day  celebration  with  the  Orang  Asli  community  on
                                                                   28 August 2023.

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