Page 304 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 304

302      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

                              effective    profit    rate %   1.7%  0.1%  0.0%   -     -    4.7%  4.5%   -     -     -     -

                                 Total     RM’000     -    23,113,166     216,978     291,866     7,755     61,543     427,466     499,876     194,954     -   2,752,787

                              Trading     books     RM’000     -     -     -     61,543     -     -     -     61,543    24,813,604     61,543    27,566,391     96,786     -   1,200,000   1,200,000    2,531,184    (2,948,481)   1,296,786   1,200,000

                              Over   Non-profit     sensitive     5 years     RM’000     RM’000     615,208     -     -     -     289,346     -     7,755     -     -     -     214     -     (124)    -     194,954     -     -   1,107,353     -   2,752,787     -   3,860,140     2,531,184    (2,948,481)    -

                                 months    >1-2 years    >2-3 years    >3-4 years    >4-5 years     RM’000     505,337     505,587     505,587
                                   RM’000     50,268     -     -     -     -     -     500,000     -     550,268     -     550,268     (46,687)    -     (46,687)

                                   RM’000     314,858     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     314,858     -     314,858     189,946     -     189,946

                                            -     250     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
           fINANcIAL RIsk MANAGeMeNT OBJecTIves AND POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

                                   RM’000     259,400     -     2,000     -     -     -     -     -     261,400     -     261,400     2,234,598   1,310,177     -     2,234,598   1,310,177

                               >3-12     RM’000     -     184     -     -     427,252     -     -     -     -   This is arrived at after deducting individual assessment allowance from the gross impaired financing.

                               >1-3     up to     months    1 month     RM’000    RM’000      13,559,493   3,223,894   4,584,708     -    216,978     46      40     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      13,776,511   3,223,940   5,012,144     -     -      13,776,511   3,223,940   5,012,144   On-balance sheet profit sensitivity gap   3,248,729    (2,698,978)   (3,917,274)    -     -      3,248,729    (2,698,978)   (3,917,274)

               Market risk (cont’d.)  Types of market risk (cont’d.) Non-traded market risk (cont’d.)  Rate of return risk (cont’d.)     Group   2021   liabilities anD equity  Deposits from customers  Investment accounts of customers  Deposits and placements of banks and   other financial institutions   Bills and acceptances payable  Islamic derivative financial liabilities  Recourse obligation on financing   sold to Cagamas Berhad   Subordinated sukuk  Other non-profit sensitive balances

               (b)     (ii)

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