Page 302 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 302

300      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

          46.  fINANcIAL RIsk MANAGeMeNT OBJecTIves AND POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

              (b)  Market risk
                   Market risk refer to the potential loss arising from adverse movements in market variables such as rate of return, foreign
                   exchange rate, equity prices and commodity prices.

                   Types of market risk
                   (i)    Traded market risk
                       Traded market risk, primarily rate of return risk and credit spread risk, exists in the Group’s and the Bank’s trading
                       positions held for the purpose of benefitting from short-term price movements, which are conducted primarily by
                       the treasury operations.
                       Risk measurement approach

                       The Group’s and the Bank’s traded market risk framework comprises market risk policies and practices, delegation
                       of authority, market risk limits and valuation methodologies. The Group’s and the Bank’s traded market risk for its
                       profit-sensitive fixed income instruments is measured by the present value of a one basis point change (“PV01”)
                       and is monitored independently by the Treasury Middle Office (“TMO”) on a daily basis against approved market
                       risk  limits.  In  addition,  the  TMO  is  also  responsible  to  monitor  and  report  on  limit  excesses  and  the  daily
                       mark-to-market valuation of fixed income securities. The market risk limits are determined after taking into account
                       the risk appetite and the risk-return relationship and are periodically reviewed by Risk Management Department.
                       Changes  to  market  risk  limits  must  be  approved  by  the  Board  of  Directors.  The  trading  positions  and  limits
                       are  regularly  reported  to  the  ALCO.  The  Group  and  the  Bank  maintain  its  policy  of  prohibiting  exposures  in
                       trading financial derivative positions unless with the prior specific approval of the Board of Directors.
                   (ii)   Non-traded market risk
                       The  Group’s  and  the  Bank’s  core  non-traded  market  risk  refers  to  the  rate  of  return  risk  in  the  Group’s  and
                       the Bank’s Islamic banking business, foreign exchange risk, and equity risk.
                       Rate of return risk
                       Rate of return risk refers to the potential loss of income arising from changes in market rates in regards to return
                       on assets and on the returns payable on funding. The risk arises from option portfolios embedded in the Group’s
                       and the Bank’s assets and liabilities.
                       Rate of return risk emanates from the repricing mismatches of the Group’s and the Bank’s banking assets and
                       liabilities and also from the Group’s and the Bank’s investment of its surplus funds.
                       Risk measurement approach

                       The primary objective in managing the rate of return risk is to manage the volatility in the Group’s and the Bank’s
                       net profit income (“NPI”) and economic value of equity (“EVE”), whilst balancing the cost of such hedging activities
                       on the current revenue streams. This shall be achieved in a variety of ways that involve the offsetting of positions
                       against each other for any matching assets and liabilities, the acquisition of new financial assets and liabilities to
                       narrow the mismatch in profit rate sensitive assets and liabilities, and entering into derivative financial instruments
                       which have the opposite effects.
                       The Group and the Bank use various tools including repricing gap reports, sensitivity analysis, and income scenario
                       simulations to measure its rate of return risk. The impact on earnings and EVE is considered at all times in measuring
                       the rate of return risk and is subject to limits approved by the Board of Directors.
                       The  following  tables  indicate  the  effective  profit  rates  at  the  reporting  date  and  the  Group’s  and  the  Bank’s
                       sensitivity to profit rates by time band based on the earlier of contractual repricing date and maturity date. Actual
                       repricing dates may differ from contractual repricing dates due to prepayment of financing or early withdrawal of
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