Page 298 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 298

296      bank MuaMalat Malaysia berhaD
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE

          31 DECEMbEr 2021 (26  JAMADIL AwAL 1443H)

            46.  fINANcIAL RIsk MANAGeMeNT OBJecTIves AND POLIcIes (cONT’D.)

                 (a)   credit risk (cont’d.)
                     (iii)  Analysis of inputs to the ecL model under multiple economic scenarios
                          An overview of the approach to estimating ECLs is set out in Note 2.3 Summary of significant accounting policies
                          and in Note 3 Significant accounting judgements, estimates and assumptions.
                          The probability weights for each scenarios are determined using the probability density approach. GDP is used as
                          an anchor as GDP reflects the overall condition of the economy. To estimate the probability of each scenario, the
                          Bank’s GDP forecasts are compared against the forecasts by the various research houses. It is then estimated by
                          obtaining the area under the probability density curve based on the Bank’s forecasts.

                          The following table shows the forecast of the key forward-looking economic variables used in each of the economic
                          scenarios for the ECL calculations for financial year ended 31 December 2021.

                                                                            Assigned      2021       2022       2023
                           key variable                   ecL scenario   Probabilities   (Actual)  (forecast)  (forecast)
                           Consumer Price Index (Y-o-Y%)  Base case           42.54%      2.00%     2.50%      1.80%

                                                          Upside              25.45%      2.00%     1.40%      0.40%
                                                          Downside            32.01%      2.00%     3.10%      2.50%
                           Unemployment Rate (%)          Base case           42.54%      4.80%     4.40%      3.80%
                                                          Upside              25.45%      4.80%     4.00%      3.20%
                                                          Downside            32.01%      4.80%     4.80%      4.10%

                           Overnight Policy Rate (%)      Base case           42.54%      1.75%     1.75%      2.00%
                                                          Upside              25.45%      1.75%     1.75%      2.50%
                                                          Downside            32.01%      1.75%     1.75%      1.75%
                           Private Consumption (Y-o-Y %)  Base case           42.54%     11.60%     0.60%     11.00%
                                                          Upside              25.45%     11.60%     2.28%     15.79%
                                                          Downside            32.01%     11.60%     -1.46%     9.92%

                           Public Consumption (Y-o-Y %)   Base case           42.54%      9.00%     5.90%      0.50%
                                                          Upside              25.45%      9.00%     7.20%      7.40%
                                                          Downside            32.01%      9.00%     3.00%      0.20%
                           Gold Price (USD/oz)            Base case           42.54%    1756.66    1700.00    1570.00

                                                          Upside              25.45%    1756.66    1670.00    1550.00
                                                          Downside            32.01%    1756.66    1950.00    1720.00
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