Page 90 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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            Material Matter                   Our Commitment                        Relevant Goals and Standards

               Energy        •  Efficiently manage the consumption of natural resources   Goals:
               consumption    such as fuel, electricity, and water in operations while
               and            striving to reduce waste and pollution
               environmental   •  Develop and implement strategies to support climate
               impact         change mitigation and adaptation

                                                                               •  GRI-103:
                                                                                 Management Approach 2016
                                                                               •  GRI-302:
                                                                                 Energy 2016
                                                                               •  GRI-303:
                                                                                 Water and Effluents 2018

            Material Matter                   Our Commitment                        Relevant Goals and Standards
                             •  Enhance hiring, recruitment, and retention processes to   Goals:
           M11  Employment
                              attract and retain top talent.
                             •  Develop and implement programmes to support
                              employee well-being, including physical and mental
                              health, work-life balance, and career development
                             •  The Bank is aligned to the comprehensive ISO 45001
                              occupational health and safety management system. We   Standards:
                              prioritise workplace safety for all employees through   •  GRI-103:
                              rigorous risk assessments, including the HIRARC
                                                                                 Management Approach 2016
                              Assessment Review conducted annually, quarterly Internal
                              Workplace Inspections, and Enforcement Audits by   •  GRI-401:
                              relevant authorities conducted annually or as needed.  Employment 2016
                                                                               •  GRI-403:
               Diversity and    •  Ensure equal treatment and fair evaluation of employees
           M9                                                                    Occupational Health and Safety 2018
               equal          based on individual merit
               opportunity   •  Prevent all forms of discrimination and harassment in the   •  GRI-404:
                              workplace                                          Training and Education 2016
                                                                               •  FS7:
               Training and   •  Develop and equip employees with necessary knowledge   Monetary Value of Products and
               education      and skills through training and education programmes  Services Designed to Deliver a
                                                                                 Specific Social Benefit for Each
               Community     •  Empower communities through sustainable development   Business Line Broken Down by
               development    programmes that create positive impacts            Purpose
                             •  Collaborate with communities to identify their needs and   •  FS13:
                              design programmes accordingly                      Access Points in Low-Populated or
                             •  Foster economic growth and social wellbeing through
                                                                                 Economically Disadvantaged Areas
                              community development initiatives
                                                                                 by Type
               Financial     •  Develop affordable and accessible products and services   •  FS14:
               inclusion      to promote financial inclusion in the nation       Initiatives to Improve Access to
                                                                                 Financial Services for Disadvantaged
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