Page 91 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 91

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT



            The  Bank  understands  that  establishing  a  robust  sustainability  governance  structure  is  crucial  to  effectively  managing  key
            sustainability  issues  across  all  aspects  of  the  organisation.  To  streamline  operations  and  avoid  unnecessary  duplication,
            our sustainability framework is fully integrated into our corporate governance framework.

                             Leadership from the Top                 Comprehensive Support Throughout the Organisation
             At  the  Bank,  we  embrace  a  comprehensive  and  holistic   Sustainability Department and Climate Risk Working Group
             governance  structure  that  begins  at  the  top,  with  the   provide  robust  support.  Each  plays  a  distinct  role  in  our
             Board  of  Directors  taking  a  central  role.  They  establish  a   sustainability  governance  process,  ensuring  the  consistent
             robust  sustainability  culture,  implement  our  sustainability   execution  of  sustainability  strategies  across  the  Bank.
             and  climate  risk  strategies,  and  use  the  sustainability    For more details, please refer to the Bank’s sustainability
             performance scorecard to ensure accountability       governance structure

            Board of Directors (BOD)
            Board Risk & Compliance Committee (BRCC)
            •  Steers the Bank’s sustainability and climate risk matters, including incorporating climate risk and opportunities into the risk agenda, strategy,
              and appetite
            •  Overseeing sustainability-related matters and climate risk matters, including overall strategies and monitoring the execution of the strategies

            Executive Risk Management Committee (ERMC)
            •  Advises the Board on strategic sustainability directions
            •  Ensures the adoption of sustainability and climate risk strategies, frameworks, policies, and procedures for embedding sustainable practices
              throughout the Bank
            •  Assesses sustainability and climate risks and opportunities

            Climate Risk Working Group (CRWG)                      Sustainability Department
            •  Coordinates  the  Sustainability  Department  in  managing  data   •  Ensures  that  on-ground  practices  are  in  line  with  the  Bank’s
              and matters related to sustainability and climate risk targets and   overall sustainability and climate risk agenda and strategies
              reporting                                            •  Assists  in  implementing  and  overseeing  sustainability  initiatives
            •  Assists  the  Sustainability  Department  in  the  implementation  of   and policies, as well as tracking progress toward set targets
              sustainability and climate risk initiatives across the Bank  •  Keeps  track  of  stakeholders’  feedback,  the  latest  BNM’s
            •  Gathers  and  organises  the  sustainability  and  climate  risk  data    requirements,  market  trends,  and  peer  performances  on
              report and data generated by the Sustainability Department  sustainable development

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