Page 92 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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          We recognise the threats posed by ESG and climate risks to our long-term value creation and overall performance. These risks
          not only jeopardise business continuity and growth but are also under increasing scrutiny by stakeholders, making effective risk
          management essential. To safeguard our business and stakeholder value, we implement specific measures and controls to mitigate
          identified  ESG and climate risks.

          As  a  financial  institution,  we  understand  that  one  of  the  top  ESG  risks  we  face  involves  concerns  that  our  customers’
          business  operations  may  negatively  impact  people  and  the  environment.  When  we  extend  financing  to  our  customers,
          we  are  seen  as  their  business  partners  and,  therefore,  have  a  responsibility  to  ensure  their  operations  align  with  our
          sustainability  agenda.  Non-compliance  with  global  and  local  standards  could  result  in  business  shutdowns  by  authorities
          or  hefty  fines,  impacting  business  continuity  and  the  financial  standing  of  our  customers.  Moreover,  financing  customers
          with poor sustainability practices could lead to significant reputational damage for the Bank.
          We  have  integrated  the  ESG  Scorecard  as  a  critical  component  of  our  assessment  process,  guided  by  BNM’s  Due  Diligence
          Questions  for  evaluating  BNM  CCPT  Guiding  Principles  3  &  4  (GP3  &  GP4).  This  structured  approach  ensures  that  our
          assessments align with regulatory standards, specifically focusing on climate change and principle-based taxonomy requirements.
          This  scorecard  serves  as  a  comprehensive  tool  used  by  our  relationship  managers  and  business  units  to  evaluate  and
          assign  ESG  scores,  while  also  categorising  climate  change  impacts  based  on  BNM’s  CCPT.  This  structured  approach  ensures
          that  our  assessments  are  robust  and  aligned  with  regulatory  standards,  enabling  us  to  effectively  manage  environmental,
          social, and governance considerations across our operations and client interactions.

           Environmental                                      •  Evaluation of Climate Change Risks
           Assessment                                         •  Assessment of Supply Chain and Mitigation Strategies
                                                              •  Implementation  of  Procurement  Policies  Embedding
                                                               Sustainable Considerations
                                                              •  Adoption of Deforestation Policies with Clear Land Clearance
                                                              •  Implementation  of  Water  Management  Policies  (e.g.,
                                                               sourcing, usage monitoring, pollution control)
                                                              •  Implementation  of  Waste/Effluents/Chemical  Management

           Social                                             •  Compliance with Labour Laws, including Child Labour Laws
           Assessment                                          and Avoidance of Poor Labour Practices
           Includes:                                          •  Compliance  with  Workers’  Minimum  Standards  of  Housing
                                                               and Amenities Act 2019
                                                              •  Conducting Social Impact Assessments where relevant
                                                              •  Implementing  Free,  Prior,  and  Informed  Consent  where
                                                              •  Implementation  of  Grievance  Handling  and  Management
                                                              •  Implementation  of  Occupational  Safety  and  Health
                                                               Management Policies in compliance with ISO45001

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