Page 87 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 87

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

 Why we engage  How we engage  Stakeholders’ expectations  Our responses  Related material matters  Related UN SDGs
 •  Ensure the Bank stays updated   •  Online communications:   •  Compliance with all legal and regulatory   •  Continuously update our systems and
                                             M1 Ethics & Integrity
 on changes and developments   Emails, corporate website,   requirements  processes to meet current compliance and
 that affect the sector, maintains   and social media  •  Good corporate governance  risk requirements  M2 Economic Performance
 operational efficiency, and   •  Formal and informal   •  Transparent reporting and disclosures  •  Ensure compliance delivery, risk management,   Energy consumption and
 complies with legal and   engagements  •  Participation and contribution to industry and   and governance that meet regulatory   M6  environmental impact
 regulatory requirements  •  e-Procurement system  regulatory working groups  requirements
 •  Collaborate and participate in   •  Integrate VBI elements into risk management   M13 Responsible financing
 policy formulation and national   practices
 development initiatives that   •  Ensure timely and transparent reporting to
 have a positive impact on the   regulatory agencies and statutory bodies
 overall economy  •  Actively participate in VBI working groups to
         develop a sectoral guide
       •  Active participation in:
         -  CCPT working groups to adopt Due
           Diligence Questions;
         -  CCPT Subgroup for Small Medium
           Enterprises (SMEs), leading the
           development of sectoral guides tailored
           for high-emitting carbon sectors within the
           SME sector

 •  Positively impact our   •  Community engagement   •  Financial and VBI literacy awareness.  •  Collaborate with various state religious   Energy consumption and
 communities through access   activities  •  Efforts in tackling common economic,   councils and government agencies to address   environmental impact
 to financing, service offerings,   •  Online communications:   environmental, and social issues  the needs of the local communities  M7 Community Development
 social initiatives, and community   Emails, corporate website,   •  Feasible and convenient access to advisory on   •  Provide access to advisory on suitable
 programmes  and social media  suitable financial solutions  financial solutions through digital channels
 •  To stay connected to   •  Digital touchpoints: Mobile  •  Efforts in building a resilient and thriving   •  Extend financial relief assistance
 developments and trends   applications, Internet   community  •  Continuously implement corporate social
 related to our operations to   banking, and SMS blasts  responsibility initiatives
 enhance our relevance in the   •  Printed materials
 communities we serve

 •  To ensure clear communication   •  Internal portal and emails  •  Fair remuneration, recognition, and effective   •  Enhance task delegation and improve   M1 Ethics & Integrity
 of the Bank’s vision for effective   •  Employee dialogue   performance management  employee performance management
 execution and delivery of   sessions with Chief   •  Balanced work-life environment  •  Provide employee remuneration  M9 Diversity and equal opportunity
 strategies  Executive Officer  •  Opportunities for career development and   •  Strengthen employee learning and career
 •  To address their concerns   •  Annual engagement survey  advancement  development programmes to equip them with   M10 Training and education
 and keep them engaged and   •  Social and recreational   •  An empowering environment that embraces   essential skills for them to be competitive with   M11 Employment
 motivated  activities  diversity and enables employees to deliver   other peers in the industry
 •  Employee engagement   quality work output  •  Conduct employee engagement and
 events and programmes  •  A safe, healthy, and conducive workplace   employee satisfaction surveys
 •  Roadshows  supported by flexible work practices  •  Develop a career development plan
         framework and apprenticeship programme

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