Page 85 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 85

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

 Why we engage  How we engage  Stakeholders’ expectations  Our responses  Related material matters  Related UN SDGs
 •  Establish transparent and   •  Annual reports  •  Sustainable and long-term business strategies   •  Implement sustainable business strategies
                                             M1 Ethics & Integrity
 timely communication with   •  Sustainability statements  alongside prudent cost management to ensure   •  Prudent cost management for sustainable
 stakeholders, fostering trust and  •  Financial announcements  sustainable financial returns  financial returns  M2 Economic Performance
 confidence in our organisation   •  Online communications:   •  Proactive management of asset quality and credit   •  Proactive management of asset quality and
 and facilitating informed   emails, corporate website,   risks, particularly in high carbon emitting sectors  credit risks from exposure to sectors affected   M5 Digital Banking
 investment decisions  and social media  •  Uphold financial stability  by the pandemic  Energy consumption and
 •  Actively seek input from   •  Meetings and discussions  •  Integration of VBI elements into business   •  Sound balance sheet management  M6  environmental impact
 stakeholders on their investment   operations to promote ethical and sustainable   •  Integrate VBI elements in business operations
                                             M13 Responsible financing
 preferences and expectations,   practices  •  Uphold ethical and responsible business
 ensuring our strategies align   •  Ethical and responsible business conduct as a   conduct
 closely with their needs and   core principle  •  Strong and experienced management
 maintaining sustainable access   •  Strong and experienced management leadership  •  Transparent reporting and disclosure
 to capital  •  Commitment to transparent disclosure   •  Implement sustainability initiatives across the
 •  Adoption of sustainable practices  Bank

 •  Engage stakeholders to   •  Branch representatives  •  Innovative financial solutions, products, and   •  Develop innovative financial solutions,   M1 Ethics & Integrity
 understand their needs and   •  Digital touchpoints:   services  products, and services to meet customers’
 expectations thoroughly,   Internet banking and digital  •  Convenient, continuous, and safe access to   financial needs  M2 Economic Performance
 identifying areas for   applications  banking services  •  Enhance touchpoints, both physical and
 improvement in our service   •  Online communications:   •  Convenient and transparent value-for-banking   digital, to maximise customer satisfaction.  M3 Entrepreneur Development
 delivery  Emails, corporate website,   products and services  •  Improve processes to deliver operational
 •  Champion financial literacy   and social media  •  Secured and safe environment with strict data   excellence and efficiency  M5 Digital Banking
 initiatives aimed at empowering   •  Customer service centers  protection for conducting banking activities,   •  Drive service excellence through skilled and   M8 Customer Experience
 stakeholders to make well-  •  Call centers  particularly through digital channels  trained customer service personnel
 informed financial decisions  •  Customer networking   •  Excellent customer service  •  Enhance end-to-end cyber response and   M12 Financial inclusion
 events  •  Financial assistance that can ease their financial   simulation plans to ensure cyber resilience
 •  Printed materials  burden  and continuously improve IT security  M13 Responsible financing
 •  Customer survey  •  Provide continuous awareness through online
         communication and digital touchpoints
         to educate customers and employees on
         potential fraud and scams
       •  Implement strict standard operating
         procedures to ensure customers’ safety at
 •  To ensure mutual understanding  •  Online communications:   •  Fair and equal evaluation of vendors and their   •  Support local vendors
                                             M1 Ethics & Integrity
 and alignment of goals,   Emails, corporate website,   proposals  •  Provide convenient access to procurement
 objectives, and expectations   and social media  •  Fair conditions for both vendors and the Bank  systems  M2 Economic Performance
 for better collaboration, more   •  Formal and informal   •  Effective and timely communication on new   •  Conduct engagement sessions to ensure
 efficient operations, and   engagements  policies, guidelines, or strategies to ensure   vendors’ understanding of the procedures,   M4 Procurement practices
 improved customer service  •  e-Procurement system  optimal performance  processes, guidelines, and expectations of
 •  Transparent reporting and disclosure to ensure   deliverables and their quality  M5 Digital Banking
 smooth collaboration with potential partners  •  Ensure fair procurement practices and   M8 Customer Experience
         transparent vendor selection
       •  Establish a dedicated tender committee to
         ensure the objectives of the engagements are

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