Page 81 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 81

                                                                                           SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT

            SUSTAINABILITY @

            BANK MUAMALAT

            The Bank’s vision places sustainable development at the heart   As members of the CoP for VBI by
            of what we do.                                           BNM and participants in the GABV,
            Sustainability   has   gained   significant   momentum   we remain steadfast in our
            throughout  Bank  Muamalat,  shaping  our  policies  and   commitment to sustainability.
            integrating  sustainability  into  our  core  business  decision-
            making  processes.  There  is  a  growing  awareness  of  the    Alongside integrating ESG
            environmental,  social,  and  governance  (ESG)  agenda    considerations into our operations
            across  all  departments,  recognising  that  every  individual
            at  Bank  Muamalat  plays  a  crucial  role  in  advancing     and business decisions, we actively
                                                                     promote sustainability and
            The  progress  we  have  made  is  reflected  in  the    mainstream VBI.
            improvements   across   the   various   indices   we   are
            benchmarked  against.  We  are  very  encouraged  by  the
            increasing  level  of  interest  and  engagement  among  our
            key  stakeholders,  and  we  will  continue  to  be  transparent     In  2023,  Bank  Muamalat  committed  to  strengthening  its
            in  communicating  our  ESG  risks,  commitments  and     sustainable  finance  initiatives  by  developing  a  Climate  Risk
            progress.                                              Framework  to  meet  the  climate  risk  requirements  set  by
                                                                   BNM.  The  primary  goal  of  this  Framework  is  to  integrate
            At Bank Muamalat, we view sustainability as a powerful tool   climate-related  risks  and  impacts  into  the  Bank’s  overall
            to  build  a  better  future  for  our  organisation,  community   Risk  Management  Framework.  As  part  of  this  effort,
            and  country.  Our  commitment  to  sustainability  is  rooted   we  conducted  an  ESG  assessment  and  gap  analysis  of
            in  our  belief  that  as  a  responsible  and  ethical  institution,     our  existing  ESG  risk  management  framework.  Looking
            we  have  a  duty  to  meet  society’s  financial  needs  in  a  way    ahead, we aim to establish a comprehensive framework that
            that  supports  the  social  and  economic  well-being  of  all   deeply  embeds  climate  risk  management  into  all  aspects
                                                                   of  our  banking  operations,  including  financing  and
                                                                   promoting  sustainable  banking  opportunities  across  all
            Rooted  in  our  Islamic  values,  we  strive  to  make  a  positive
                                                                   customer segments.
            and  lasting  impact.  We  are  more  than  just  a  financial
            institution; we see ourselves as catalysts for change, dedicated
                                                                   As  members  of  the  Committee  of  Practitioners  (CoP)
            to  fostering  inclusive  growth  and  sustainable  development.
                                                                   for  VBI  by  BNM  and  participants  in  the  Global  Alliance
            Through  our  purpose-driven  approach,  guided  by  our
                                                                   for  Banking  on  Values  (GABV),  we  remain  steadfast  in
            Islamic  principles,  we  aim  to  create  economic  opportunities
                                                                   our  commitment  to  sustainability.  Alongside  integrating
            for  all,  support  the  development  of  the  real  economy,
                                                                   ESG  considerations  into  our  operations  and  business
            enhance community welfare, and contribute to environmental
                                                                   decisions,   we   actively   promote   sustainability   and
                                                                   mainstream  VBI.  We  emphasise  the  transformative  potential
                                                                   of  Social  Finance,  leveraging  investment  and  profit-sharing
            The  Bank  has  long  been  dedicated  to  sustainable  finance,
            providing  Shariah-compliant  banking  products  and  services   offerings  to  empower  underserved  segments.  Additionally,
            for  businesses  and  consumers.  We  follow  the  Value-based   we  are  deeply  involved  in  climate  risk  management,
            Intermediation  (VBI)  strategy  proposed  by  Bank  Negara   aligning  with  BNM’s  Climate  Change  and  Principle-based
            Malaysia  (BNM),  which  aims  to  achieve  the  maqasid     Taxonomy  (CCPT)  guidance.  This  framework  underscores
            al-shariah  (intended  outcomes  of  Shariah)  through  our   the  central  bank’s  dedication  to  enhancing  financial  sector
            practices  and  product  offerings.  Using  the  Value-based   resilience  and  facilitating  a  smooth  transition  to  a  greener
            Intermediation  Assessment  Framework  (VBIAF)  as  our     economy.  Furthermore,  our  adoption  of  the  Climate
            guide,  we  develop  our  products  to  ensure  sustainable    Risk  Management  and  Scenario  Analysis  policy,  which  is
            banking for all our customers.                         set  to  be  finalised  in  2024,  establishes  principles  and
                                                                   requirements  for  managing  climate-related  risks  within
                                                                   financial institutions.

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