Page 76 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 76




          Fee Income          Investment Banking (IB) focuses on Islamic Capital Markets deals
          (RM Million)
                              as well as manages the Bank’s private equity investments via its
             1.0     2.7      private equity arm, Muamalat Venture Sdn Bhd (MVSB). In FY2023,

                              IB’s investment income from MVSB was at RM11 million, while,
                  170.0%      through  arranger  fees,  agency  fees and  management  fees stemming
                              from managing the investments under MVSB, IB received fee income
                              of RM2.7 million.

                              PERFORMANCE REVIEW

                              Investment income from MVSB continued to contribute significantly to IB despite a slight decrease of
          Investment Income
          (RM Million)        0.9% due to the Bank’s joint venture partner’s annual capital buyback from a Musharakah Mutanaqisah
                              investment undertaken jointly with MVSB in an Ar-Rahnu business. As a result, MVSB registered a lower
             11.1    11.0     ROI of 14.8% as compared to 16.2% in FY2022. IB also benefitted from a 170% growth in fee income.

                              Throughout  the  financial  year  2023,  IB  also  successfully  arranged  and  managed  the  inaugural  issue
                              of the Bank’s RM350.0 million Additional Tier-1 Capital Sukuk Wakalah (AT-1 Sukuk) under the new
                  -0.9%       RM5.0 billion Sukuk Wakalah Programme established by the Bank on 29 September 2023. The AT-1
                              Sukuk was recognised by the industry journal Islamic Finance News (IFN) as the Regulatory Best Deal
                              of the Year 2023. IB acted as the Joint Principal Adviser, Joint Lead Arranger and Joint Lead
                              Manager for the Sukuk Wakalah Programme.

                              In addition, IB had also successfully managed other Sukuk issuances in the market which includes
                              the  largest  local  development  financial  institution  subsequent  Sukuk  issuance  in  October  2023
          MVSB’s Return on
          Investment (%)      as well as the sukuk issuances for national mortgage corporation in June 2023 and September 2023.
          (RM Million)
             16.2    14.8                                     OUTLOOK & STRATEGY

                                Malaysian capital markets remain resilient in line with the domestic economy. However,
                  -8.6%         the  domestic  economy  will  continue  to  be  influenced  by  key  global  developments  driven
                                by global monetary policy tightening and geopolitical developments. Notwithstanding
                                the challenges, IB will continue to focus on its key corporate relationships with potential
                                Sukuk  issuers  and  other  financial  institutions  or  investment  advisory  firms  for  deal  flows
                                in debt or capital markets as well as seek opportunities in growing the Bank’s private equity
                                investments  portfolio.  As  part  of  its  business  strategy  for  2024,  IB  has  also  embarked  into
                                advisory services for its existing and new customers via cross selling and service bundling.

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