Page 72 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 72



          Among  the  challenges  faced  by  CBD  for  the  year  were  sizeable  scheduled  financing  payment  of  RM494.4  million,
          slow market recovery post-pandemic, the after-effects of the 2022 general election, stiff pricing competition within the
          banking industry  to secure working capital facilities’ utilisation, and retaining human resources. Nevertheless, CBD managed
          to achieve a commendable growth for FY2023,  continuing the  strong financial performance over the past three years.
          With the enhanced client relationship model and proactive business strategies, CBD’s asset  base had increased by
          RM667.4 million  while credit risk had been maintained low as a result of  extending financing to selected medium-risk  customers.
          CBD  had  also  explored  the  capital  expenditure  requirements  of  customers’  supply  chain  ecosystem  to  identify  new  growth
          opportunities. At the same time, timely recruitment for talent sourcing and improvements to remuneration packages
          were conducted to retain skilled employees who were able to maintain and grow relationships within this segment.

          As  a  result,  a  total  of  RM1.4  billion  million  in  financing  was  approved  and  RM1.2  billion  were  disbursed  by  the  end  of
          FY2023.  As  a  further  reflection  of  the  Bank’s  VBI  commitment,  the  outstanding  exposure  on  value-based  initiatives  increased
          to RM3.8 billion in FY2023 from RM3.0 billion in FY2022 whereby financing released under the “platform for raising community
          standard of living” accounted for the biggest exposure.

                                                    OUTLOOK & STRATEGY

             CBD is positioned to sustainably grow in line with the industry average, with the focus on further increasing term
             financing  portfolio  while  maintaining  the  momentum  in  working  capital  financing  portfolio.  In  alignment  with
             government objectives, CBD aims to further penetrate the impactful sectors including halal food-based industries,
             public safety and health, infrastructure and transportation, and renewable energy in 2024.
             To  achieve  these  goals,  CBD  has  articulated  several  strategies.  Firstly,  the  Bank  will  prioritise  offering  secured  term
             financing to meet clients’ existing and future capital expenditures and projects. Additionally, CBD will target new clients,
             particularly government-linked entities and public listed companies within the identified sectors.

             The  second  strategy  is  to  drive  efficiency  by  refining  client  coverage  models  to  maximise  business  relationships  and
             improving onboarding processes for new targeted clients.

             Lastly, CBD is committed to cultivate leadership and human capital within the division to sustain ongoing business
             growth momentum through building a skilled and capable internal team.

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