Page 69 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 69

                                                                                         OUR BUSINESS PERFORMANCE



                 Total Deposits                  In  FY2023  a  significant  transformation  occurred  within
                 RM17.27 billion                 the Transaction Banking Division (TBD), shifting its focus
                 (18%   YoY)                     from  the  traditional  model  of  Non-Retail  deposit  and
                                                 Trade Finance pillars to strategically prioritising Retail
                                                 deposit and Non-Retail deposits business under one roof.
            Trade business responsibilities were delegated to Commercial Banking, allowing TBD
            to concentrate more on deposit endeavours  to bolster liquidity, fortify customer
            relationships, and foster sustainable long-term growth. This new strategic focus has
            resulted  in  a  significant  deposit  growth  of  18%,  equivalent  to  RM2.65  billion,
            which led to total deposits of RM17.27 billion.

            PERFORMANCE REVIEW                                     for SSi  was launched  on 8  August 2023, and  ran until
                                                                   29 February 2024. Despite the relatively short duration of the
            In 2023, TBD embraced digital transformation and       campaign, TBD successfully closed RM98 million in deposits
            implemented   innovative  digital  solutions  for  cash  by 31 December 2023. Additionally, TBD pursued other
            management, and payments while improving customer      strategic initiatives, such as enhancing the Muamalat Salary
            experience and loyalty. Aligned with the Bank’s digitalisation   Scheme, implementing the Pensioner Account Programme,
            journey, TBD launched VISA Business to Business Connect   and introducing the Fantastic Pocket as a short-term strategy
            (VISA B2BC), highlighting its standout feature of near    to elevate performance by the year’s end.
            real  time  value  whereby  Foreign  Telegraphic  Transfer
            (FTT) transactions processed through Visa B2B Connect is    As a result, robust growth was recorded for Fixed-Term and
            delivered to recipients within an hour. A milestone was     Current  Accounts.  Specifically,  Fixed-Term  Accounts  saw
            reached as the Bank became the first Bank in Malaysia to utilise   significant  growth  of  27%  or  RM1.45  billion,  followed  by
            Visa’s payment networks.                               Current Accounts which had a notable increase of 17.9%
                                                                   or RM1.31 billion. However, due to market challenges
            TBD continued to implement various proactive key strategies   and increased competition, Savings Accounts witnessed  a
            aimed at driving growth which has effectively spurred growth   slight decrease of RM52 million, while Investment
            within  the  division.  One  of  these  involved  boosting  Retail   Accounts declined by RM53 million due to impacts on the
            Deposit  growth  through  the  introduction  of  a  new  flagship   retail segment.
            product called Sijil Simpanan Islamik (SSi). The campaign

                                                                   Deposit by Product
            TBD Total Deposit   Savings Account        Investment Account     Current Account        Fixed Term  Account
            (RM’ million)       (RM’ million)          (RM’ million)          (RM’ million)          (RM’ million)
                14,616  17,268      1,631   1,580          301     248            7,324   8,635          3,360   6,806

                     18.1%              -3.2%                  -17.8%                  17.9%                  27.0%

               2022   2023        2022    2023           2022    2023           2022    2023            2022   2023

   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74