Page 65 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 65

                                                                                         OUR BUSINESS PERFORMANCE

                                                 In April 2023, the Bank formed a strategic business relationship with Syarikat Takaful
                   Islamic Financial
                   Planning Stage                Malaysia  Berhad  to  provide  Family  and  General  Takaful.  Notwithstanding  the  new
                                                 partnership  and competitive market  scenario, overall performance for FY2023
                   Wealth Protection             showed a marked improvement with Family Takaful recording sales of RM4.5 million
                                                 representing a growth of 73% over the previous year while General Takaful registered
                   Protecting your assets
                                                 exceptional growth in sales to RM9.8 million, representing a 123% increase over
                   and loved ones from
                                                 the past year.
                   unexpected crisis
                                                 Family & General Total Assets
                   Islamic Wealth                (RM Million)
                   Management Products                                                                     14.45
                                                              4.42   2.64   7.06             9.87   4.58
                   •  FAMILY TAKAFUL:
                     M-Zahra Income/M-Zahra
                     Income Plus/M-Zahra
                     Flexi/M-Zahra Invest

                   •  GENERAL TAKAFUL:
                     M-Zahra Motor/M-Zahra
                     Home Protect/M-Zahra
                     PA Care                                       2022                           2023
                                                                     g General   g Family  g Total

                                                 Daily Banking Products                        Daily Banking Sales
                   Islamic Financial                                                           (RM Million)
                   Planning Stage                Islamic Estate Planning, a key product solution within
                   Wealth Distribution           the  Daily  Banking  domain,  had  been  a  key  focus   1.35  1.89
                                                 FY2023 and registered admirable growth as a result
                   Distribute assets to heirs,   of strategic promotions and execution. Monthly sales
                   beneficiaries and/or waqaf    recorded substantial increase, averaging 221 cases
                   for your peace of mind        which represent a 195% increase over the previous
                                                 year’s  average  figure  of  75  cases  per  month.  This
                   Islamic Wealth                success stemmed from effective cross-selling of estate
                   Management Products
                                                 planning products by branch personnel and translated
                                                 to a commendable 40% increase in sales from the
                   •  ISLAMIC ESTATE
                                                 previous year, rising from RM1.3 million in FY2022 to
                     PLANNING: Trust
                                                 RM1.8 million in FY2023.
                     Deed, Islamic Estate
                     Administration Planning,                                                      2022      2023
                     Wasiat, Hibah, Hibah
                     Amanah, Declaration of
                     Jointly Acquired Assets

                   •  WASIAT: Basic and

   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70