Page 68 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 68



                         Total Assets and Deposits
                                                                               OUTLOOK & STRATEGY
          Financing Asset  Deposit (CA)     Deposit (FTA)
          (RM’ million)    (RM’ million)    (RM’ million)
                                                                   In the upcoming year, CMBD remains resolute in its
             1,558   1,927     1,707  1,877     909     1,049      pursuit of asset expansion. The division’s primary
                                                                   focus will be on fostering strong relationships
                                                                   with existing clientele while actively engaging in
                                                                   lead generation endeavours aimed at attracting
                  369              170               140           potential customers with favourable credit ratings
                                                                   across Commercial and SME sectors. Leveraging
                                                                   Government-backed schemes and forging alliances
                                                                   with governmental bodies, business associations,
            2022   2023      2022    2023     2022    2023
                                                                   and corporations will be instrumental in facilitating
                                                                   asset  growth  and  meeting  the  financing  needs
                            Assets by Product                      of SMEs.

         Total Assets                                              Furthermore, targeted marketing initiatives will be
                                                                   deployed, with emphasis on pivotal sectors including
         RM1,927 million (24%   YoY)
                                                                   manufacturing,  pharmaceuticals,  healthcare,  and
          136              220       149             315           specific  green  sectors  such  as  solar,  wind,  biomass,
                                                                   hydro, and geothermal energy. CMBD will also
                             62                                    extend  its  services  to  customers  holding  government
               FY2022                     FY2023         146       contracts within preferred sectors.
               RM1,558                     RM1,927
                million                    million                 To ensure robust asset quality while pursuing
                                                                   expansion, CMBD will implement stringent screening
                          1,140                       1,316        and  appraisal  procedures  to  acquire  customers  in
                                                                   high-potential segments while effectively managing the
                  n  MCash  n  MRF  n  Term  n  Trade              risk of bad debts and maintaining overall asset quality.
                                                                   Recognising the imperative of  maintaining and
              Outstanding Exposure to the Triple Bottom Line Sector  enhancing asset quality, prevention measures will
                                                                   be emphasised to prevent asset slippage, with close
         Total Outstanding Exposure to the                         collaboration between CMBD and  its customers
         Triple Bottom Line Sector
                                                                   to ensure timely payments and prevent overdue
         RM1,567.87 million (17%   YoY)                            payments. Through active support and guidance, CMBD
                                                                   endeavours to uphold a healthy financing portfolio and
         682.48          61.06     741.97           76.56          minimise the risk of asset quality erosion.
                             578.64                                As part of its growth strategy, additional resources will
                                                         738.07    be  deployed  nationwide  to  manage  the  burgeoning
                 FY2022                   FY2023
                                                                   asset portfolio, ensuring compliance with governance
                RM1,334.43               RM1,567.87
                  million                  million                 standards and the implementation of effective risk
                                                                   management practices. Recruitment efforts will
                                                                   continue to focus on acquiring professionals with
          3.25               9.0    1.85              9.42
                                                                   the requisite expertise and experience to support
                                                                   CMBD’s organic expansion effectively.
          n  Preserving   n  Platform   n  Education  n  Hospitals   n  SME
            Natural     for raising            and
            Environment  community             medical
                        standard of            equipment

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