Page 60 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
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           Auto Financing

                                              The  Bank’s  auto  financing,  which  represents  7.6%  of  Retail  Banking’s  total
              Improved approval turnaround
                                              financing  portfolio,  delivered  sterling  growth  of  69.8%  or  RM631.12  million  as
              time through establishment of
                                              at the end of 2023, surpassing the year’s target by 175%. Growth was buoyed by
              Muamalat Auto Centre (MAC)
                                              the automotive industry’s all-time high Total Industry Volume (TIV) of 799,731 units
              under Monoline Structure; and
                                              in 2023 as compared to 720,658 units in 2022. This was driven by pent-up demand,
              EON’s Digital Sales Channel in
                                              enticing new launches including many new EVs with competitive prices, as well
              collaboration with EON BHD
                                              as buyers taking advantage of the Government’s extension of the registration
                                              deadline for sales tax exemption for all new vehicles booked by 30 June 2022 and
              FY2023 Financing Assets:
                                              registered by 31 March 2023. The emergence of online used car platforms have
              RM1.54                          also contributed to significant double-digit growth in used car sales during the year.
              billion                         Harnessing  strategic  collaborations  and  improved  dealer  coverage,  the  Bank
              (69.8%   YoY)                   successfully  expanded  its  presence  within  the  top  five  brands  in  the  new  car
                                              segment.  Vehicle  financing  successfully  increased  market  share  for  Non-National
              Financing Income:               segment from 38% in Dec 2022 to 47% in Dec 2023. By leveraging these
              RM65.02                         partnerships  and enhancing the dealer network, the Bank was able to  effectively
                                              cater  to  the  growing  demand  for  auto  financing  and  provide  customers  with
              million                         competitive  financing  options.  This  was  supported  by  stronger  sales  support
                                              with more manpower resources, digital channels and the establishment of MAC’s
              (81.1%   YoY)
                                              monoline processing for improved processing turnaround. MAC centralises Auto
                                              Financing  application  processing,  credit  assessment,  approval  disbursment  and
              Total Disbursements:            documentation under one roof. The establishment of  EON’s Digital Sales Channel
              RM832.98                        towards providing specialised automotive financing solutions to EON customers and
                                              auto financing application referrals to Bank Muamalat  has also enhanced process
              million                         efficiency with an approval turnaround time of just four hours.
              (95.5%   YoY)
                                              These resulted in a substantial increase in application volume and approval volume
                                              compared to FY2022.
              Net Impairment:
              0.13%                           The growth was achieved without any compromise to asset quality as evidenced
                                              by  the  achievement  of  lower  than  industry  average  gross  impaired  financing  ratio
              (FY2022: 0.17%)
                                              of 0.13% as at the end of 2023.

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