Page 59 - Bank-Muamalat_Annual-Report-2023
P. 59

                                                                                         OUR BUSINESS PERFORMANCE

             Personal Financing

                                                 There  was  a  significant  increase  in  the  Bank’s  personal  financing  business,
                 FY2023 Financing Assets:
                                                 marked by a stream of innovative product launches and strategic initiatives to
                 RM8.12                          expand market share, while adhering to prudent credit assessment.
                 billion                         The salary deduction at source programme offers the Bank’s signature Personal

                 (18.3%   YoY)                   Financing-i  to a  stable  base of  employees  from government agencies statutory
                                                 bodies, government-linked companies, and selected private companies.
                                                 The expansion of the Bank’s Employer Empanelment Programme (EEP),
                 Financing Income:
                                                 which  now  has  234  organisation/companies  with  423  subsidiary  companies  on
                 RM489.67                        board,  largely  contributed  to  market  share  expansion  and  personal  financing
                                                 growth.  A  significant  highlight  was  the  establishment  of  Angkasa/AG  Salary
                 million                         Deduction in August 2023 for Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad,
                 (25.1%   YoY)                   which has led to 1,415 applications worth RM167.1 million and disbursement worth
                                                 RM85.2 million for FY2023. As at the end of 2023, personal financing assets grew
                                                 steadfastly from RM6.86 billion to RM8.12 billion.
                 Total Disbursements:
                 RM3.23                          While  supporting  financial  inclusion  and  sustainability,  the  Bank  is  also  seeking
                                                 better credit quality by attracting the T20 & M40 segments, including professionals
                 billion                         and young graduates, as well as non-Bumis.  To heighten brand visibility and
                                                 engagement, more education enhancement programmes  and collaborations were
                 (18.9%   YoY)
                                                 executed across all regions through sales events, webinars, and CSR activities.
                 Net Impairment:                 Additionally,  the  personal  financing  department  closely  engage  with  the
                 0.85%                           organisations within its network to gain comprehensive insights into their unique
                                                 financial  needs.  This  helps  the  Bank  create  enhanced  product  features  tailored  to
                 (FY2022: 0.93%)                 specific needs towards penetrating new market segments. Six customised products
                                                 were  launched  throughout  the  year,  to  heighten  the  Bank’s  profile  as  a  preferred
                                                 choice  in other targeted segments, including affluent and high-end customers.

             Cash-i Muamalat First (M1) Programme,                  Cash-i Muamalat for Public Listed Companies (PLC),
             launched on 1 January                                  launched on 31 March
            Caters to employees under the Al-Bukhary Group, including   This provides financing for personal use by employees of PLCs
            DRB-HICOM, Tradewinds, MMC, and subsidiaries, offering   listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia.
            financing  for  personal  use  with  the  convenience  of  salary
            crediting  into  Bank  Muamalat  accounts,  along  with  benefits   Cash-i Muamalat for Education Programme,
            from the Bank’s other products and services.            launched on 17 April
                                                                   A plan to facilitate progressive funding for university fees and
             Cash-i Muamalat Eco Green Financing,
             introduced on 9 March                                 charges for Malaysian students of selected local universities,
                                                                   including parents.
            Targeting individual residential owners of landed properties,
                                                                    Cash-i Muamalat MuSS Plus,
            this  financing  programme  offers  professional  advice  and
                                                                    launched on 5 December
            services from Malakoff upon the purchase of a modular
            combination of solar photo-voltaic (PV) system, battery energy   A plan to facilitate progressive funding. This provides financing
            storage system, and EV charger.                        for personal use by employees of companies enrolled in the
                                                                   Muamalat Salary Scheme (MuSS), with the added convenience
             Cash-i Muamalat for Kelas Al-Quran & Fardu Ain (KAFA)   of salary crediting into Bank Muamalat accounts.
             & Religious Educators, launched on 31 March
            Meets the needs of teachers and administrators of KAFA under
            JAKIM, Majlis Agama Negeri, and private Islamic schools.

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