Page 377 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 377


            4.0   creDIT rIsK (generAl DIsclosure) (conT’D)

                 credit risk exposures of financial Assets by Maturity Distribution (cont’d)
                 Table 10: credit risk exposures of financial assets by remaining contractual maturity (cont’d)
                                                     up to  6      > 6  - 12      > 1  - 5       over 5
                 Bank                                months        months          years         years          Total
                 31 December  2021                    rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000

                 on-Balance  sheet  exposures
                 Cash  and  short-term  funds       1,142,291            -             -              -      1,142,291
                 Cash  and  placements  with
                   financial  institutions            31,184             -             -              -       31,184
                 Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                   through  profit  and  loss          5,052       168,384       147,840              -      321,276
                 Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                   through  other  comprehensive
                   income                            502,428       669,885      3,585,057      106,894      4,864,264
                 Financial  investments
                   amortised  cost                         -             -             -       107,109       107,109
                 Islamic  derivative  financial  assets    5,437         -             -              -        5,437
                 Financing  of  customers          3,529,987      2,005,708      6,809,225      8,316,698      20,661,618
                 Statutory  deposits  with
                   Bank  Negara  Malaysia                  -             -             -       130,148       130,148
                 Other  assets                          395         16,163           500              -       17,058
                 Total  on-Balance  sheet  exposures    5,216,774      2,860,140      10,542,622      8,660,849      27,280,385

                                                     up to 6      > 6  - 12      > 1  - 5        over  5
                 Bank                                months        months          years         years          Total
                 31 December  2020                    rM’000        rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000

                 on-Balance  sheet  exposures
                 Cash  and  short-term  funds        2,933,172            -             -              -       2,933,172
                 Cash  and  placements  with
                   financial  institutions             30,417             -             -              -        30,417
                 Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                   through  profit  and  loss          12,176             -       301,161              -       313,337
                 Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                   through  other  comprehensive
                   income                             917,316       123,899       2,604,791       150,492       3,796,498
                 Financial  investments
                   amortised  cost                          -             -             -        105,544       105,544
                 Islamic  derivative  financial  assets     46,901       919            -              -        47,820
                 Financing  of  customers            3,132,750       1,898,467       6,046,320       7,032,665       18,110,202
                 Statutory  deposits  with
                   Bank  Negara  Malaysia                   -             -             -         95,255        95,255
                 Other  assets                            649        93,835           500              -        94,984

                 Total  on-Balance  sheet  exposures     7,073,381       2,117,120       8,952,772       7,383,956       25,527,229
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