Page 376 - Bank-Muamalat-Annual-Report-2021
P. 376

                                                                                                    OUR PERFORMANCE
                                                                                    OUR STRA
                                                   ABOUT US
                                                                  OUR LEADERSHIP
                                                   ABOUT US       OUR LEADERSHIP    OUR STRATEGY    OUR PERFORMANCE
          BASEL II

          4.0   creDIT rIsK (generAl DIsclosure) (conT’D)

              credit risk exposures of financial Assets by Maturity Distribution
              Table 10: credit risk exposures of financial assets by remaining contractual maturity
                                                   up to  6      > 6  - 12      > 1  - 5       over  5
              group                               months         months         years          years         Total
              31 December  2021                    rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000        rM’000

              on-Balance  sheet  exposures
              Cash  and  short-term  funds      1,142,291             -             -              -     1,142,291
              Cash  and  placements  with
                financial  institutions            31,184             -             -              -        31,184
              Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                through  profit  and  loss          5,052       168,384       147,840              -      321,276
              Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                through  other  comprehensive
                income                            502,428       669,885      3,587,562      106,895      4,866,770
              Financial  investments
                amortised  cost                         -             -             -       107,109       107,109
              Islamic  derivative  financial  assets    5,437         -             -              -         5,437
              Financing  of  customers          3,529,987      2,005,708      6,809,225      8,326,386      20,671,306
              Statutory  deposits  with
                Bank  Negara  Malaysia                  -             -             -       130,148       130,148
              Other  assets                           400        16,706           500              -        17,606
              Total  on-Balance  sheet  exposures   5,216,779    2,860,683      10,545,127      8,670,538      27,293,127

                                                   up to  6      > 6  - 12      > 1  - 5       over  5
              group                               months         months         years          years         Total
              31 December  2020                    rM’000        rM’000        rM’000         rM’000        rM’000

              on-Balance  sheet  exposures
              Cash  and  short-term  funds        2,933,172            -             -              -       2,933,172
              Cash  and  placements  with
                financial  institutions             30,417             -              -             -        30,417
              Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                through  profit  and  loss          12,176             -        301,161             -       313,337
              Financial  investments  at  fair  value
                through  other  comprehensive
                income                             917,316       123,899       2,607,258       150,492       3,798,965
              Financial  investments
                amortised  cost                          -             -              -       105,544       105,544
              Islamic  derivative  financial  assets     46,901       919             -             -        47,820
              Financing  of  customers            3,132,750       1,898,467       6,046,320       7,038,280       18,115,817
              Statutory  deposits  with
                Bank  Negara  Malaysia                   -             -              -        95,255        95,255
              Other  assets                            646        94,614           500              -        95,760

              Total  On-Balance  Sheet  Exposures     7,073,378       2,117,899       8,955,239       7,389,571       25,536,087
   371   372   373   374   375   376   377   378   379   380   381